Delivering value
A. FY 18 Performance Highlights by Capital
Organizations depend on various forms of capital for their success. In this Integrated Report, the Capitals comprise financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, social and relationship and natural, which have been explained under each of the capitals as discussed below:
Financial capital is the pool of funds that is:
- available to an organization for use in the production of goods or the provision of services
- obtained through financing, such as debt, equity or grants, or generated through operations or investments.

Human Capital includes people’s competencies, capabilities and experience and their motivations to innovate, including their:
- alignment with and support for an organization’s governance framework, risk management approach and ethical values
- ability to understand, develop and implement an organization’s strategy
- loyalties and motivations for improving processes, goods and services, including their ability to lead, manage and collaborate

Intellectual Capital includes organizational, knowledge-based intangibles, including:
- intellectual property, such as patents, copyrights, software, rights and licences
- “organizational capital” such as tacit knowledge, systems, procedures and protocols

Social and Relationship Capital deals with the institutions and the relationships within and between communities, groups of stakeholders and other networks and the ability to share information to enhance individual and collective well-being.

Natural Capital relates to all renewable and non-renewable environmental resources and processes that provide goods or services that support the past, current or future prosperity of an organization. It includes:
- air, water, land, minerals and forests
- biodiversity and eco-system health

Manufactured Capital relates to manufactured physical objects (as distinct from natural physical objects) that are available to an organization for use in the production of goods or the provision of services. Manufactured capital is often created by other organizations, but includes assets manufactured by the reporting organization for sale or when they are retained for its own use.

Annual Report 2017-2018
- A tree always gives back
- Executive Messages
- Highlights 2017-18
- Board Committees
Integrated Report
- Business Responsibility Report
- Directors’ Report
- Corporate Governance Report
- Management Discussion and Analysis
- Risk Management Report
- Standalone Financial Statements
- Consolidated Financial Statements
- IFRS Financial Statements
- Global Presence
- Notice of the Nineteenth Annual General Meeting
- Download Center
Annual Report 2017-2018
- A tree always gives back
- Executive Messages
- Highlights 2017-18
- Board Committees
- Integrated Report
- Business Responsibility Report
- Directors’ Report
- Corporate Governance Report
- Management Discussion and Analysis
- Risk Management Report
- Standalone Financial Statements
- Consolidated Financial Statements
- IFRS Financial Statements
- Global Presence
- Notice of the Nineteenth Annual General Meeting
- Download Center