Case Study

Mindtree helps the world's leading air transport IT and communications specialist secure baggage handling systems




One of the essential parts of air travel is securely transporting flyer baggage to their destinations at the correct time. Therefore, when the leading air transport and communication specialist needed to update their baggage handling operations, Mindtree stepped up to secure the operations and help make the travel of millions of their customers hassle-free


The company provides communications and baggage handling services for international air travel providers. However, the client systems were outdated and hence had become vulnerable to third party exploitation. Due to the high dependency of the airlines on the client systems, there was no scope of any downtime to revamp them even though a single attack on the infrastructure could virtually bring worldwide operations to a standstill.

This accumulated in the client’s requirement of a swift upgradation of the legacy security implementation without impacting the ongoing operations on a day-to-day level.


Mindtree worked closely with the client to estimate the depth of the requirement. After careful analysis, Mindtree understood that the client primarily needed proactive security. To create a wholesome solution for the client, Mindtree provided Infrastructure Security and Managed Security Services to the client. This included:

  • Consolidation of continuous security in the DevOps pipeline by analyzing the attack surfaces and creating advanced threat models

  • Run time analysis of database and security environment with hard constraints to avoid system downtime and disruption of ongoing daily operations

  • Implementation of both inbound and outbound security in cloud infrastructure to help avoid siphoning of data via exploits like SQL injections and privilege escalation

  • Securing third-party API connections to prevent DoS and MITM attacks

All operations were completed with the system during DevOps and no downtime, hence saving costs.


  • Any breach in the client systems could have impacted the operations of multiple airlines across the globe along with the subsidiaries and services dependent on them, not to mention the ransomware attacks where the client could have been held hostage at the mercy of the hackers.

  • Mindtree helped save up to $7 million in ransom demands and subsequent legal problems by securing the baggage handling operations.

  • The entire system was secured which averted the sensitive personal information of 10 million flyers from landing in the hands of hackers.

  • Mindtree did all these while the baggage handling system was working in full swing, without any downtime occurring even once


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