
Infrastructure management services


Today's businesses are going through a paradigm shift as they move their physical infrastructures to virtual ones. In this context, ensuring you have the right IT technology infrastructure is no simple matter, and many companies are left without the necessary resources to effectively and efficiently manage this monumental shift. IT infrastructure management services are the answers to this challenge. It is essential to leverage IT infrastructure management services as IT staff are over-burdened. Moreover, siloed operations often fail to capitalize on the trends of the new digital order.

Mindtree's IT infrastructure management services can provide the support and expertise necessary to ensure that your IT infrastructure becomes aligned to your business objectives and future ready. By employing a predictable and cost-effective model, Mindtree has helped organizations of many sizes and complexions keep pace with their IT infrastructure and all of its requirements.

Our process-driven approach to IT infrastructure management services enables us to understand our customers' applications and infrastructure, delivering results that exceed expectations. We combine our unique "applistructure" approach with our award-winning MedWatch Service Delivery Platform tool to guarantee a secure infrastructure, pertinent data and reports, and a dynamic and safe disaster recovery offering.

We deliver predictable IT infrastructure management services and superior business performances. Our infrastructure management approach consists of:

  • 7 world-class NOCs
  • 60+ active, delighted customers
  • 1400+ certified experts
  • 2300+ IMS experts
  • 175+ successful engagements

Expertise-led infrastructure management

Enable, Empower, Extend:

IMS from Mindtree

Applications and IT infrastructure have long been regarded as separate components of an overall IT ecosystem. Such a siloed, disconnected approach can have a devastating effect on performance, user experience, and disaster recovery plans. Mindtree's unified 'applistructure' approach creates more significant economies of scale, improved performance, and a more secure disaster recovery plan.


Mindtree can enable your IT infrastructure management needs through a managed services model that combines tools, services, and delivery capabilities. Through our integrated service delivery platform – MWatch – we have created a monitoring tool that provides detailed, pertinent, and meaningful data on the vital components of your IT infrastructure. MedWatch is a service accelerator that integrates IT infrastructure service management with monitoring tools to provide a consolidated view of applications and infrastructure.

As always, Mindtree is technology-neutral. We only recommend the tools, platforms, and technologies that make the most sense for each deployment. Our operational centers have built-in disaster recovery operations, ensuring that your data and infrastructure have industry-leading safeguards. And finally, our 'right-sourcing' concept – which smartly blends on- and off-shore through our US Delivery Center – has become a hallmark of new-age outsourcing.


Creating a solid and secure IT infrastructure is about empowering your organizations to develop new opportunities and tackle potential new challenges efficiently and cost-effectively. Mindtree customers have experienced year-over-year productivity gains of 10 percent or more. Over time, these gains multiply as your IT infrastructure becomes increasingly secure and efficient. Mindtree can also assume ownership of your entire IT infrastructure management service activities, giving you a single management point of focus. Integrating applications with infrastructure support also provides an organization with a cleaner and more transparent processing environment.


Any company's technology infrastructure is continuously evolving. Mindtree offers flexible pricing and engagement models that allow a company to extend and adjust its infrastructure needs accordingly. As your needs change, Mindtree can work with you to realign your technology environment. This is reflected in the wide range of companies that depend on Mindtree for their infrastructure management needs.

Contact Mindtree at to leverage next-generation IT infrastructure management services and take your company to the future.

Infrastructure Management Services
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