Case Study

Created DAF (Digital Automation Framework) regression suite to optimize the client’s mobile app release cycles


The Client

The client is one of the largest provider of supplemental insurance in the United States. Mindtree helped create a regression suite by using the Digital Automation Framework (DAF) for the client’s responsive mobile application. The application is released iteratively to the users, which requires multiple regression cycles for every release. Enabling the automation suite expedited the process with a reduction in defect leakage and shorter regression cycles.

Our Solution

  • Deployed Mindtree’s (DAF) Digital Automation Framework for rapid script creation and execution
  • Maintained separate test data sets to run the suite in multiple environments

Client Benefits

  • Achieved approximately 62% reduction in manual regression testing
  • Delivered enhanced code quality in higher environments
  • Automated more than 80% of functional test cases

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