White Paper

Embracing Change and Turning Digital Transformation into a Competitive Advantage


The global pandemic that started in 2020 only accelerated the inevitable. Hybrid work models, as-a-service everything, AI-fueled automation and datafication are here to stay. The pace of change is accelerating, and there’s no going back.

Some enterprise leaders approach the prospect of this rapidly evolving digital workplace with concerns. They openly or privately worry about the impact of the digital workplace on productivity, relationship building, employee onboarding, innovation and development, learning and training. But because the digital workplace is inevitable — and more than 74% of knowledge workers want to continue their hybrid models — many of these senior leaders are working to merely “accept” this new reality . Simply accepting the current reality of the digital workplace — rather than transforming it — is likely to put an enterprise at a serious competitive disadvantage on several fronts.

In organizations where digital workplaces are well-designed and well-managed, companies are seeing measurable improvements in job satisfaction, worker productivity and customer service. It’s also becoming a powerful tool for attracting and retaining talent. Committing to the digital workspace concept allows you to hire workers almost anywhere. And giving potential hires the freedom to work in a true hybrid or remote model can separate you from other potential employers.

Want to Improve it? Measure it.

A time-tested reality is that you can’t manage what you don’t measure. Fortunately, the evolving digital workplace is eminently measurable and manageable. Organizations that embrace rapidly evolving digital workplace realities can benefit by leveraging the data generated by worker’s platforms and tools. The insights gained can be used to optimize teams and individual performance.

At Mindtree, we see this in digital workplace engagements of all sizes. The tools and technologies we integrate and deploy help our customers gain insights on key metrics, such as individual employee performance, team-level productivity, asset utilization, customer service levels and even companywide morale. This empowers the organizations we serve to identify patterns and make predictions, encourage positive employee behaviors, optimize organizational performance and simplify compliance. The self-service and automation aspects of our digital workplace solutions also greatly reduce operating costs and ease the mounting burden on stretched IT teams.

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