Role-specific Learning Initiatives


Learning initiatives at Mindtree are part of our Culture and Competence (C2) program, which has four skill categories: technology, domain, behavioral, and managerial. The top 5 percent of performers in these categories are eligible to join the Pillars program for individualized learning and mentoring. This program aims to nurture star performers and help build a leadership pipeline.

Learning in all four categories is available throughout the career life cycle. For example:

Orchard is a program for all new hires recruited straight from university. Students in the US are onboarded at Mindtree’s Agile Center of Excellence in Gainesville, Florida, before they are sent to Kalinga to join their global colleagues. Students in the rest of the world are onboarded directly to Kalinga. Once there, all Orchard students are assimilated into the Mindtree culture of lifelong learning, which helps support the physical, digital, intellectual, and emotional infrastructures necessary for successful collaboration.

Arboretum is an onboarding, learning and assimilation program for new Mindtree Minds who are lateral hires. Arboretum varies from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the seniority and skill set of the hire.

Ongoing learning is available to all Mindtree Minds. Our learning programs, inspired by rapid changes in the IT and technology industries, are designed to ensure that Mindtree Minds are equipped with the latest industry and technical skills to exceed customer expectations. Our people can access lessons through self-paced virtual programs that enable them to collaborate with peers and experts. The program helps us groom the technical architects and full-stack engineers (proficient in each layer of software development) who can lead us to our next phase of growth. next phase of growth.

Senior leaders learn to build coaching and facilitation skills so they can better understand and communicate the Mindtree context to help their teams succeed. These courses may be accessed anywhere at any time through videos and interactive lessons, and are meant to be applied right away.

Our commitment to ongoing learning is based on our approach to building a better world. The future holds limitless possibilities, and the power to shape it is in our hands.

Role-specific learning initiatives