A Cycle of Learning and Leadership


Kalinga has the capacity to produce 2,500 graduates annually. These new hires absorb Mindtree’s culture and values in a 90-day immersive experience that reflects our unique approach and point of view.

This program is designed to foster deep learning, collaboration and inquisitiveness. It incorporates peerbased, experiential instruction inspired by methods from Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the ancient Nalanda University and experiments at the Khan Academy. It’s all designed to address the physical, digital, intellectual and emotional aspects of becoming an engineer of tomorrow. Even the buildings are Internet of Things (IoT)–enabled and equipped with advanced technology.

Activities at Kalinga include group hackathons to create apps that automate the campus; working on engineering issues for actual Mindtree clients; individual study sessions; and one-on-one mentoring.

To keep the experience based on the real world and to ensure that Mindtree’s culture is transmitted effectively, Kalinga has no external faculty members. Seasoned technical leads take turns volunteering to teach and mentor new Mindtree Minds. The cycle of learning and leadership development begins at Kalinga, which can be considered the first step in grooming tomorrow’s executives. But it’s also a chance for the faculty to update their own technology, domain, behavioral and managerial skills.

The entire Kalinga experience is designed to help our new engineers succeed in the global, hyper connected world of tomorrow.