
When traveling, it's smartest to de-risk the journey


Product overview

When you’re travelling, it’s smart choice to choose the fastest, safest and the most efficient vehicle. The objective is to reach a destination sooner and de-risk the journey.

When migrating from an IDMS to RDBMS platform, you need to ensure that you have de-risked the migration journey as much as possible. A proven methodology to de-risk this is by automating the migration process as much as possible. Mindtree’s D-MIGRATE™ is designed to empower your IT resources to be able to execute a full database migration without the need for manual or semi-automated migration resources.

Considering the massive planning and architecture that is a part of your IDMS systems migration, a manual-based migration is perhaps not the best approach. Mindtree’s D-MIGRATE™ is a top-of-the-line, highly efficient and automated solutions for migrating IDMS database on IBM Mainframe to any RDBMS. The data structure is migrated to a relational model, keeping all the connections and dependencies, while enabling excellent performance.

Key features of D-MIGRATE™

  • Schema conversion: Creation of RDBMS (Oracle, DB2, SQL Server) DDLs from the IDMS schema report
  • Data migration: Generates the data migration scripts (COBOL-IDMS programs) based on the target RDBMS model (these scripts will be executed in the IDMS region and will unload the existing data)
  • Data validation and verification: D-MIGRATE™ will generate scripts which will provide the audit trail reports and referential integrity checks
  • Generates JCLs to run the above generated programs
When traveling, it's smartest to de-risk the journey

Key benefits of D-MIGRATE™

Business benefits

  • Provides cost-effective and speedy migration
  • Eliminates the IT resources problem
  • Uses proven automated tools; thereby mitigating many of the project risks.
  • Provides a complete solutions for database modernization
  • Utilizes Mindtree’s extensive experience with mainframe modernization projects

Technical benefits

  • Enables close to 100% automated migration, with minimum manual intervention
  • Migrates IDMS objects: retaining all the data elements and connections between them
  • Provides modern RDBMS environment
  • Audit trail reports for validation and verification of migrated data

Additional services

In addition to D-MIGRATE™, Mindtree’s tried, tested and proven methodology for modernization projects reduces cost of rewriting code, code freeze, and other risks involved in developing the system. Mindtree IDMS suite of tools helps automate the following:

  • JCL convertor for adopting the existing JCLs to RDBMS environment
  • Automated tool set to upgrade application programs to access target RDBMS database

Key benefits

Business benefits

  • Makes application enhancement easier
  • Provides solutions for language and platform migration
  • Provides cost-effective migration

Technical benefits

  • Enables reuse of existing and proven logic and business rules
  • Provides flexibility to developers to enhance and maintain the application programs using both IDMS access statements and SQL statements or a combination of both

Scenarios of applicability

  • Pure DB migration (IDMS to RDBMS)
    • (No platform and application change)
    • Usage of D-MIGrate™
    • Additional services
  • DB and platform migration for re-hosting to newer platforms (No application change)
    • Usage of D-MIGRATE™
    • Additional services
    • In-house migration tools
  • Application, DB, and platform migrations involving rewrites
    • Usage of D-MIGRATE™
    • In-house migration tools



  • DDL creation
    • Generates DDL for Oracle, DB2 and SQL server from IDMS schema
  • Data migration
    • The tool generates COBOLIDMS programs with equivalent JCLs that will unload the data from IDMS database. The unload will happen based on the target RDBMS model.
    • Generates COBOL programs and equivalent JCLs that will verify and validate the data uploaded.

Additional services

There are situations where application re-write is not preferred, and hence the existing COBOL code needs to be retained on the target platform with RDBMS as database.

  • Replace IDMS DML with a common bridge program:
    • A common bridge program will access the new RDBMS DB using the IDMS query as parameter
    • Set of tools will ensure the application program changes for accessing bridge program changes for accessing bridge programs
    • Advantages:
      • (i) Utilizes the same IDMS query to access RDBMSDB: bridge programs handle the mapping of the query to the new DB.
  • Usage of copybooks:
    • Every IDMS DML will be replaced by copybooks with internal access to the new RDBMS DB
    • The tool handles creation of copybooks; application program changes to replace IDMS DML with RDBMS calls
    • Advantages:
      • (i) Enhancements can be made by including either copybooks or by direct SQLs
When traveling, it's smartest to de-risk the journey
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