Case Study

GST solution for Oracle E-Business Suite enables a global ATM and safe machine manufacturing company ensure strict compliance


Executive Summary

The client used Oracle 11i E-Business Suite (EBS) for its financial and supply chain requirements, and was looking for an efficient solution to ensure compliance with Goods and Services Tax (GST). The lack of a solution patch for Oracle 11i hindered the client from effectively generating invoices and month-end filing reports as per GST requirements. Mindtree provided a custom solution on GST tax setup, helping the client ensure robust compliance. Not only this, Mindtree also conducted complete documentation, training and support for the business teams on the new GST tax process, enabling efficient knowledge transfer.

About the client

The client is a global ATM and safe machine manufacturing company with one of the largest and most intricate EBS installations in the world.

The Challenge

The client was considering the implementation of GST solution for its Oracle 11i EBS system, given the recent changes to the tax regime. However, Oracle does not provide a patch for GST on Oracle11i. The client therefore wanted to disable all VAT regimes and enable a custom GST tax regime for the entire Oracle 11i system. The goal was to ensure rapid compliance with all GST requirements, including GST supported invoices and month-end filing reports.

Our solution

As a first step, Mindtree gained a functional understanding of the GST tax rules and legal framework, to assess the feasibility of setting up GST rules in the system and disabling the existing tax systems and structures. A team of 20 experts from Mindtree helped the client achieve the goal, without any major downtime impacting the business.

Our solution’s focus was two-fold: implement complex and volatile GST tax rules from Indian Government, and automate the generation of GST tax supported invoice reports, stock transfer reports, and month-end summary reports for GSTR filing. We also helped the client with the documentation for process green books and developed business process training documentation on GST tax change process for end-to-end knowledge transfer.


Mindtree provided a right-fit solution to plug the gap in the Oracle 11i system for GST compliance - without impacting business continuity. The client can now generate custom reports as per GST requirements and efficiently meet GSRT filing mandates as required by the Indian government.

GST Soultion for oracle
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