Case Study

Developing mobile enablement for the Hospitality industry



Global hospitality giant




Mindtree helped develop mobile and tablet application to provide on-the-run collaboration between our client employees and their customers.

Business challenge

Customer is a global hospitality giant with 3800 properties in 75 countries. It has sales of more than $ 12.3 Billion.

Currently for meeting and large event services at properties, guests/planners require physical interactions with concierges (Red Coats) to request services. This result in lower satisfaction as well as loss in realizable revenue, as inconvenience suppresses true demand. The customer wanted to provide a truly differentiated service delivery experience for such scenarios, while capturing additional revenues.

Our solution

We developed mobile, tablet and PC enabled application for request creation and fulfillment which allowed Hotel Concierges to seamlessly meeting plans and submit requests discretely and instantaneously during an event. Phase vise rollout of application to 500 properties. As part of solution, SMS and email notification mechanism were integrated for meeting planners, hotel associates and back of the hotel staff in Request fulfillment workflow.

Depending on the date of the meeting and the time available to cater to service requests, the routing and prioritization of messages was optimized. The idea of providing a single user id and password to the guests was done away with, as the same would have generated more service requests. Instead a unique URL was provided for every meeting. This ensured that one did not have to figure out the organizer of the meeting as the URL would already contain the necessary information

Business impact

  • Phase-I rollout to 500 properties
  • Improved QoS (time to response) and operational parameters
  • Multi-brand and multi-lingual – global rollout ready
  • Improved concierge accountability and reporting
  • Improved revenues.


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Developing mobile enablement for the Hospitality industry_mobile enablement changing the Hospitality industry
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