Summary of learning and development programs


Soft-skills certification

  • Senior Leaders: iLead
  • Mid-level Leaders: vLead
  • First Time Leaders: nuLead

Technical certifications

  • Project Manager: Mindtree Certified Project Manager
  • Business Analyst: Mindtree Certified Business Analyst
  • Technical Leader: Mindtree Certified Technical Leader
  • Senior Software Engineer: Mindtree Certified Software Engineer
  • Software Engineer: Mindtree Certified Engineer
employees skills training

Diversity & inclusion

Being a global organization on the cutting-edge of technology, talent and workforce diversity is integral for business success. As an equal opportunity employer, we work with a non-discriminatory practice that respects and values the workforce and with those we do business with. Embracing a diverse and inclusive workforce gives us an innovative, creative, competitive and more productive edge. Our focus on diversity and inclusion has gathered significant momentum in 2012-13, owing to the development of our charter. Mindtree’s diversity and inclusivity charter focuses on four pillars which we call “EDGES” – Ethnicity, Disability, Gender and Sexual Orientation. Over the years the percentage of women at Mindtree has nearly doubled from 16% in 2004 to 28% in 2012-13. Mindtree follows a multidisciplinary approach to gender inclusion taking cognizance of the dual roles played by women and the additional responsibilities that they undertake in life.


We have defined policies that go a long way towards retaining women Minds. These are special needs leave, maternity leave, sabbatical, work from home policy, flexible working hours, equal opportunity policy, reasonable accommodation policy and prevention of harassment policy.

Infrastructure support

Infrastructural arrangements such as Baby’s Day Out and Day Care Centers at our Bangalore offices assists greatly in promoting work-life balance.

Employee network group

Dhriti is Mindtree’s Women’s Network and serves as a platform for women Minds to voice their concerns and to share and learn from one’s own and others’ experience. It spearheads awareness programs on gender sensitivity and inclusivity. The Dhriti Umbrella covers defining women-friendly policies, career development programs and various e-learning and self-development initiatives. It also serves as a grievances forum.

women safety in transportation

Training & Mentoring

This program is indigenous, catering to the internal learning needs of Mindtree minds and fits into that learning space which cannot be classroom led. The program aims for the holistic development of Mindtree Minds, at both the professional and personal levels. It provides a focused, one on one, two way experiential learning avenue for the mentor and the mentee.

Women’s Safety

Mindtree takes special focus for women’s safety in transportation. Initiatives such as escort services, door step pick up/drop, unique auto routing software and driver training sessions are held in this regard.

women safety target

Mindtree has a comprehensive framework designed to aid inclusion. We believe that an inclusive environment encourages employment as well as a stable career path. Our inclusion framework is driven by our reasonable accommodation policy. In addition to this, we support accessible infrastructure at all our facilities and provide accessible technology and information systems. We look to identify job roles suitable to persons with varied forms of disabilities to facilitate the individual’s career stability and growth. We are growing and expanding overseas, this provides us with a platform to generate local employment and capitalize on a talent pool of diverse nationals.

Health & Wellbeing

Health and wellbeing of employees is of prime importance to us. We strive to achieve a positive balance with all aspects governing the life of an employee. We promote a comprehensive approach that encompasses physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Our flagship program, Healthy Mind Healthy Body (HMHB), Corporate Wellness Program that focuses on offering education and opportunities to improve both physical and mental health of Mindtree Minds. We also have B+ve, our employee assistance program where Mindtree Minds have a platform to get neutral and objective professional assistance from qualified counselors with complete anonymity and confidentiality. Additionally, we have a health portal, a one-stop shop for all health related queries. It has a host of health related articles, online chat sessions with dieticians and exercise finders. A detailed list of health and wellbeing programs is provided in the table below.

All our India locations are OHSAS 18001:2007 Certified. With this certification as our backbone, we drive a comprehensive health and safety policy that entail workplace hazard identification, risk assessment programs and security measures. Our practices that promote safety, health, emergency response and overall wellness are frequently revised based on regulations, industry trends and employee feedback.

health and wellbeing

Human Rights

Management approach

Mindtree represents a talented and diverse workforce. We strongly believe in a free and fair workplace without any form of discrimination. This fosters a culture that embraces differences and celebrates unique ideas, perspectives and experiences.

Mindtree respects and values equal opportunities among our workforce and with those we do business with. Our Code of Conduct defines our actions as an ethical employer. We do not discriminate on grounds of race, ethnicity, gender, gender-identity, language, age, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status, physical and mental ability, for salary and or any other employee benefits. Mindtree’s position on equal opportunity is strong in all aspects of employment, including recruitment, training conditions of service, career progression, termination or retirement.

Our focus on human rights is tailored into our compliance systems. We ensure compliance with labour norms such as prevention of child labor, forced or involuntary labour and conformance to employment norms like minimum wage standards, statutory benefits, and timely wage payment. There have been no defaults in this regard.

We respect employees’ right to freedom of association. At present, none of our employees are part of registered trade unions.

Promoting human rights across our value chain

Mindtree’s suppliers undergo human rights screening as evinced by the contract signed containing the principles of Mindtree’s supplier code of conduct. Our supplier code of conduct as well as the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) principles, to which we adhere, extends the responsibility of transparency and integrity to our suppliers and furthermore facilitates sustainable sourcing.

Contracted labor and vendors are required to abide by the norms of Mindtree’s Code of Conduct while working on our premises. To imbibe our culture of integrity across the value chain, we conduct integrity sessions for vendors and contract staff. There have been no incidences of Code of Conduct violations or complaints for the reporting period.

code of conduct target

Ecological Sustainability

Management approach

Ecological Sustainability is one of the key pillars of Mindtree’s sustainability framework. With the increasing centrality of issues such as climate change, energy security and water stress, we recognize environmental risks and the importance of managing our impact on the environment. We aim to minimize the environmental impact of our business operations through resource conservation practices, Green House Gas footprint reduction, efficient energy management, water efficiency, sustainable waste management and by engaging Mindtree Minds as evangelists.

Scope of report

Mindtree India, representing 89% of our workforce.

Management systems

The Environmental Management system framework is the backbone of our environmental charter. All our India offices are ISO 14001: 2004 Certified.

Energy efficiency

Energy availability is a core area of our resource conservation efforts. Over the years we have implemented a variety of energy conservation and energy efficiency measures. The implementation of energy efficiency measures in the areas of IT infrastructure, cooling, lighting and general operations has resulted in a savings of 782 MWh in the year 2012-13. Our employee energy intensity stands at 201 kWh per month.

We have adopted the LEED green building design for our infrastructure. 3 of our India offices are certified to LEED gold standards.

leed gold standard target

Green community

Our Green community has been a passionate advocate for change and eco-friendliness within and outside Mindtree, spearheading initiatives in the fields of energy, water and waste.

Water efficiency

Water scarcity is a growing reality in the world around us. At Mindtree, water is withdrawn from three sources - ground water, municipal water supplies and private purchase. We have put in place rainwater harvesting systems in late 2012-13 to capitalize on water harvesting from monsoons.

100% of the outlet water from our facilities is treated using Sewage Treatment Plants (STP’s) available at our own premises and Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETP’s) at our builder’s premises. We recycle approximately 8% of water using owned STP’s and the rest using CETP,s. This water is reused internally for flushing and landscaping purposes.

Our water consumption per employee is 1.05 KL per month. We are constantly exploring better methods to monitor, measure and conserve our water. We have implemented waterless urinals at our Bangalore campuses leading to a saving of approximately 2400 KL of water every year. Additionally, we have installed water filters in washroom taps that regulates the supply of water hence reducing consumption by roughly 180 KL annually.

water efficiency

Waste management

At Mindtree, we are diligent about tracking and managing our waste levels. We continually assess the operational risks to the environment and take care to recycle our waste where possible.

65% of the waste generated at our facilities is recycled through authorized vendor tie-ups. A majority of the balance mixed solid waste and tissue paper is also handled through vendors. However, the final fate of the waste is not clearly understood.

waste management targets

We are continuously exploring better monitoring of our waste management practices. A significant proportion of the waste data is based on derivations.

GHG Footprint

We started measuring our carbon emissions from 2009 and have actively taken steps to reduce our GHG footprint. Our GHG mitigation strategy works on a three pronged approach - resource conservation practices, energy efficiency and sustainable waste management.

The chart provides a summary of our overall carbon emissions – categorized under: Scope 1 (emission from direct energy consumption, like fuel), Scope 2 (emissions from purchased electricity) and Scope 3 (emissions from other indirect sources).

overall carbon emission

Our Emission intensity stands at 3.38 tons/employee. In addition to our energy efficiency practices, we made a concerted effort to reduce the GHG footprint of our scope three emissions. Implementation of transportation initiatives such as common bus systems, carpooling and cab route optimization have contributed significantly in the reduction of our footprint.

ghg footprint targtes

We ensure all our emissions are within the permissible limits prescribed by the pollution control board. We are in the initial stages of implementing our GHG mitigation strategy and hence have not adopted a clean development mechanism project.


Biodiversity loss is one of the least understood ecological risks and critically interconnected with global warming, water scarcity and livelihood loss in many ways. None of our current facilities is proximate to biodiversity sensitive areas (protected or of high value). Our business operations pose zero risk to any endangered species, plant or animal.

Environmental management in our value chain

Design and development of software solutions is core to Mindtree’s business operations. In our sustainability vision and thinking, we recognize the centrality of going beyond our organization’s boundaries and working with all stakeholders in the value chain - suppliers, customers, contractors and service providers. As we do not develop products, we regularly review and improve upon the process of new technology development, deployment and commercialization by incorporating social, ethical, and environmental considerations. Our supplier code of conduct as well as the LEED principles, to which we adhere, extends the responsibility of transparency and integrity to our suppliers and furthermore facilitates sustainable sourcing.

Green community initiatives

Solid Waste Management Initiatives in Raja Rajeshwari Nagar Green community members are working on an initiative on Solid Waste Management in the neighboring locality of Raja Rajeshwari Nagar. This has yielded excellent results and the efforts have been highlighted in the Times of India Bangalore edition under the section “City & the Citizen”.

Environment day celebrations

Important events such as World Environment Day, World Water Day, Earth Day and Earth Hour are celebrated to bring awareness. We regularly conduct “Expert talks” sessions on afforestation, rain water harvesting, biodiversity conservation, waste management, and eco-architecture.

Awards & recognition

  • People Green Award (Jul’12): Mindtree has won the 2nd Runner-up in the People’s Green Award category as part of the TCS World 10K Marathon that was held in Bangalore, May 2010. This award is for Companies and Corporate Foundations contributing to the environmental causes without seeking any monetary gains
  • “Certificate of Merit” for a note worthy performance in community impact by SHRM, India

Customer Engagement

Mindtree takes pride in the fact that we have consistently assisted our customers build value by engineering meaningful technology solutions and by delivering high quality services. We have several mechanisms in place to measure Customer Satisfaction. We gather feedback regularly through project surveys and steering committee meetings.

The CES (Customer Experience Survey) process is an annual check on the health and customer relationship sustenance. The actions emanating from the survey drive our customer engagement and service delivery improvement initiatives at different organisational levels. We have not received any customer complaints nor have incurred any cases with regard to unfair trade practices, irresponsible advertising or anti-competitive behavior in the last five years.

Inclusive Growth & Equitable Development

Management approach

Mindtree recognizes social responsibility as an integral part of its corporate citizenship. Driven by our value system, we commit to support and nurture societies through innovative solutions to satisfy evolving needs of the society. We strive to foster a socially responsible corporate culture by introducing a balanced approach to business by addressing social and environmental challenges through required investments, necessary resource allocation and stakeholder engagements. Mindtree Foundation plays a catalyst role in bringing this change, step by step.

Our social transformation initiatives are led by Mindtree Foundation and are now nearly six years old. Over the years, our approach has been to engage in social issues with sensitivity, rigor and responsibility. Mindtree Foundation lays the platform for Mindtree’s value system. The Foundation’s charter is to

  • Promote education to underprivileged children with a special emphasis on people with disability
  • Provide relief to poverty by way of assistance to food, shelter and clothing
  • Provide relief to distress caused by calamities of nature

Mindtree Foundation strives to achieve these charters through its grant, voluntary, organizational development and technical consultancy programs. Below is a snapshot of our activities.

csr contributions