Analyst Reports

Zinnov Zones 2017: Product Engineering Services


Mindtree is positioned in the Leadership Zone for overall PES capabilities

Mindtree has consistently developed its capabilities over the past decade to establish itself as an industry leader for Engineering R and D services. The company's investments in building IP, frameworks, and accelerators coupled with a robust partner ecosystem have contributed towards its leadership positioning at an overall level. The firm has strong capabilities across verticals such as telecom, consumer electronics, enterprise & consumer software, automotive, and semiconductors.

Key differentiators

Partner for “World’s Firsts”: The firm has a strong focus on developing “Industry’s first” solutions across areas (Point-to-multipoint audio streaming, V2X for connected cars, android-based TV for a luxury consumer electronics firm, etc.)
Focus on IP and accelerators: Mindtree is among the world leaders in Bluetooth IP licensing. It has filed 15 patents in this space (4 for customers and 11 in-house). The firm strives to include accelerators as part of most engagements
Ecosystem leverage: Mindtree has built a robust ecosystem around next generation firms such as Acquia, AWS, Cloudera, DataStax, and Hortonworks to derive capabilities for digital engineering
Proactive approach in engagements: Mindtree has established itself as a relevant partner for clients and takes a proactive approach in engagements for enhanced delivery, project management, and quality control

Zinnov Zones Product Engineering Image
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