Case Study

Transformed aircraft leasing operations through a new IT platform for a Fortune 500 financial enterprise


Across industries, an outdated enterprise resource planning system can cause unreliable and duplicated information, lack of agility and poor effectiveness.

Here is how Mindtree helped a Fortune 500 financial enterprise overhaul its aircraft leasing operations' IT systems at low cost. By doing this, we delivered a single view of critical information, better governance and processes; and improved compatibility with third-party tools.

The challenge

The customer's transportation finance department wanted to replace its aging aircraft leasing operations' IT systems. The customer was using multiple systems built over several years on different platforms; nearly all of which operated independently of each other. This led to:

  • Data redundancy and duplication resulting in unreliable and inconsistent information
  • Non uniformity and inconsistent user interface
  • Lack of integration with important third-party solutions such as InfoLease

The customer was looking for a technology partner with deep domain knowledge and hands-on experience in latest technologies such as MVC 3.0 and .Net 4.0, who could rapidly transition their disparate systems to a new platform. By doing so, they wished to:

  • Eliminate duplicate data and provide efficient data input capabilities
  • Provide a single source to retrieve data
  • Eliminate manual spreadsheets and tracking
  • Establish data governance assigning ownership and accountability for data integrity
  • Utilize existing systems to the greatest extent possible
  • Streamline information dissemination
  • Rapidly operationalize the new platform

Our solution

Mindtree collaborated with the customer to arrive at an approach and roadmap for the new platform implementation. We began with an as-is legacy modules analysis and requirements documentation through interviews, information gathering and defining acceptance criteria. Following this the team focused on "must haves" for system design, such as a unified data source, integration with existing systems and third-party tools, rich user interface and so on. Finally, the team ensured seamless data migration with 100% accuracy.

By implementing the latest technology and improving the customer's processes, we were able to deliver significant benefits in the areas of productivity, data reliability, management oversight, risk management and reporting. This included:

  • Eliminating duplicate data entry, reducing reliance upon emails to get information, and providing consistent information access across the organization
  • Enabling management to better monitor and control expenses
  • Automating the processing of reserve activity
  • Ensuring efficient and timely calculations and notifications, thereby minimizing customer relationship and non-payment risks
  • Developing multi-functional reports while streamlining dissemination across the organization
  • Automating notifications to alert employees to significant events impacting their job functions

Business impact

  • Greater business visibility by eliminating duplicate data residing in different systems
  • Enhanced productivity through drastic reduction in manual spreadsheets and data tracking
  • Higher efficiency and usability through a refreshed user interface
  • Improved functionalities through integration with third-party tools
Transformed aircraft leasing operations through a new IT platform for a Fortune 500 financial enterprise
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