
Third party independent test audit


Auditing the software test process

It is crucial for businesses to audit their software test processes. This enables management to understand / evaluate if they are being adhered to. In cases where process deviation was accepted, it helps one to evaluate how the risks and impacts were measured and communicated. An audit will uncover what triggers major problems and early warning indicators are set in place to reduce risk.

Business challenges

  • Is the quality of my software better / worse than my competitor’s?
  • Are my internal assessments correct?
  • What metrics are we tracking and how are we deploying them?
  • Are my test resources optimized and effective?
  • How much risk are we incurring?
  • When will the number of production defects decrease?
  • Are major defects slowing production / consumer adoption?

Our solution

Mindtree quality and test consulting addresses these issues by providing optimum solutions to help businesses audit their software test process. Documents / artifacts reviewed include

  • Test strategy
  • Test plans estimation & cycles
  • Traceability and requirements
  • Test case design and development
  • Test coverage
  • Test execution reports
  • Defect reports / trends
  • Metrics

Key benefits

  • Consistent, relatable, reliable execution
  • Compliance to standards (ISO, CMM, etc)… where applicable)
  • Resource optimization
  • Protection against legal liability and detection / prevention of fraud
  • Improved efficiency and effectiveness
Third party independent test audit
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