Case Study

Swift and scalable operations for a regional non-banking affiliate


Non-bank affiliates offer products and services related to insurance and investment advice, but not core banking services. As with many industries, revenue growth is directly related to the scale and speed at which participants can conduct business.

Here is how Mindtree helped a non-bank affiliate of a California-based bank offering tax, audit and financial reporting services scale its services while optimizing the productivity of their people.

The challenge

Two of the customer's key services relate to valuations advisory; and industry benchmarking and other business valuation services. They wanted to significantly scale up their valuations business and optimize the effort of their talent to reduce the Turn Around Time (TAT) on client projects.

To achieve their goals, the customer wanted an outsourcing partner with deep expertise in business valuations who could help increase business volume without compromising accuracy or performance standards.

Our solution

Mindtree collaborated with the customer on a two-pronged approach.

Implementing a comprehensive process

Through more granular process insight and milestone-based TAT reduction, we succeeded in continuously raising the bar on volumes and quality delivered. For instance, we developed a five-step valuation process map. We also leveraged tools such as process maps, process checklists and trackers to attain standardization, effective process implementation and knowledge enhancement.

Fast tracking hiring and training

Given the customer's focus on speedy expansion, we carefully selected team members who held finance specializations. We also conducted extensive training in house and through customer experts. To validate learning, we created multiple levels of certifications and tested team members; and accordingly assigned them to projects of varying complexity.

Over time, our solution has proved to be highly durable―and continues to be used by the customer today.

Business impact

  • Supported significant ramp up in volumes over 30 months
  • Enabled greater productivity
  • Reduced TAT per valuation from 75 to 45 hours
  • Delivered draft results in five business days against industry average of two weeks
  • Delivered effective risk mitigation

Customer testimonial

‘I wanted to recognize the improvement in the quality of the engagements being completed by the teams. I just finished reviewing (a deliverable) and the team has done a great job. The same is true for almost all of the models that I have reviewed in the last couple of months. Please let the analysts know that I am very pleased with their work’.

Swift and scalable operations for a regional non-banking affiliate
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