Case Study

Software that just works, for a global tax and accounting provider


Enterprises realizing the critical importance of efficient and effective test automation. Though automation is an efficient and reliable way of testing, it requires significant time and investment to reap the benefits.

Here's a success story about how Mindtree built a meaningful test automation solution, that is simple to use and comprehensive in coverage.

The challenge

The world’s leading provider of tax and accounting software needed a brand new suite of applications in .Net 3.5 to replace their legacy suite. The customer was under pressure to release the product faster and needed to take advantage of UI test automation. Automation requires expertise and time to understand the application, as well as write the test scripts. This meant that automation must be executed by manual testers, who have prior product knowledge.

Our solution

Mindtree realized that a fundamental shift was required in the way test automation is being done today. We collaboratively worked with the customer to build an ‘UI Automation Framework’, that accepts manual test cases as input and generates automated test scripts. This innovative framework was designed with in-built intelligence, which significantly reduced the dependency on highly proficient automation engineers. More importantly, the framework saved significant costs for the customer by replacing the existing commercial test automation tool.

Our approach

  • Took complete ownership for design and development of UI framework
  • Conducted a detailed study of the requirements and built a proof of concept
  • Designed and developed reusable custom actions of the common test scenarios to reduce test case development and maintenance efforts
  • Delivered 100% SLA compliance

Business impact

  • Improved quality and predictability of software performance
  • 30% reduction in test automation development efforts
  • 50% reduction in the team costs to maintain test automation
  • Saved 1569 hours of manual efforts per test pass
  • Over 90% defect removal efficiency, for all the releases of UI framework
Software that just works, for a global tax and accounting provider
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