Case Study

Reinventing the consumer and partner experience for an American multinational diversified hospitality company


The challenges

Customer information is spread across multiple systems in the Travel and Hospitality industry. So, forming a unified view of a customer’s interaction with the organization is difficult. This challenge can be solved by creating and enabling a profile that provides a 360 degree view of a customer. At any given moment the organization will be able to obtain personalized responses at customer touch points. This in turn helps the business to acquire, convert, and retain loyalists over time.

Our solution

Key highlights of our solution:

  • Created and enabled a profile that provides a 360 degree view of a consumer at any given moment in their relationship with the organization by using a set of customer identification attributes and integrating to multiple data sources
  • Ability to manage, store, and deliver profiles to support operational and analytical activities
  • Enable real-time consumption of profile data and enable the organization to deliver personalized experiences to all customers thus leading to customer delight

The results

The solution delivered the following benefits

  • Creating a deeply enriched customer profile information store from internal and external sources, which enables the business to deliver proactive personalized experiences to all its customers that lead to customer delight
  • Reduced time-to-market for new features by utilizing existing Microservices
  • Flexible framework to support legal and privacy compliances catering to different geographies
  • By publishing events related to profile data changes in real time, our solution enabled downstream systems to notify customers about fraud alerts

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Reinventing the consumer and partner experience for an American multinational diversified hospitality company
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