Case Study

Pioneering an Enterprise API platform for multi-livelihood domains


The Client

A Mindtree initiative to simplify waste management and transform the livelihood of waste pickers


  • Simplify waste management and transform the livelihood of waste pickers
  • Build a Livelihood Platform, not just an Application System for waste/ragpickers
  • Connect the ecosystem including waste generators (house/apartment), collectors, and buyers
  • Microservices based multi-tenancy platform
  • Handle unpredictable workloads


  • Easy and one click script-driven setups for the whole environment using cloud formation
  • Highly available and auto scalable containerized infrastructure using EC2 and Docker
  • Secure Private Cloud to isolate critical resources
  • Manage multiple infrastructure environments easily
  • AWS S3 as elastic content store and AWS RDS as an elastic and flexible Transactional store


  • Acquired elastic capacity for unpredictable workloads
  • Achieved always-on data and compute availability
  • Implemented security isolation across environments
  • Provided elastic content storage for growing binary assets
  • Essential scaling out as per the demand spike
  • Increased agility for incremental updates
  • Reduced administration overhead
Pioneering an Enterprise API platform for multi-livelihood domains
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