Case Study

New age business model for investment monitoring


The Client

A leading financial investment solutions provider


  • Customer did not have platform to provide investment monitoring facility for investors
  • Investors defined rules of investments for Fund Managers, but had no transparency in tracking a breach
  • Customer wanted a platform (infrastructure) to do pilot tests for their customers and demolish the infrastructure setups after use


  • Built an interface for dashboard reports (performance, guidelines, and risk) with a breakdown by investor and fund or any other level of granularity
  • Hosted the interface on AWS cloud. Security groups, VPN gateway and Active directory were used for an authorized access
  • Encrypted Data on the drives on key based mechanism. Data backups and image transfers were also encrypted
  • MWatch monitoring was used to monitor the server


  • The tool provides transparency and let to timely decision-making
  • With an availability of data on cloud, Investors could access reports through mobiles
  • Low latency, quick scaling (up or down) of infrastructure as per need
  • Auto scaling and self-healing intelligence
  • Pay as you go benefits
  • Higher Availability and Data Recovery
New age business model for investment monitoring
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