White Paper

Towards the future of threat and vulnerability management


Businesses are moving towards new possibilities to address system weaknesses by embracing a modern approach through Mindtree’s Msecure platform.


1. Introduction

Technology plays an important role in our lives, accelerated by the use of third-party built software components (3PP). The growing use of such common 3PP components on company assets, particularly those that process critical business data, introduces additional vulnerabilities and exposures. An example of these cases are incidents due to Heartbleed and Shellshock with the famous OpenSSL suite, and Bash shell that made millions of Linux systems vulnerable. For large companies with hundreds of products and services, the problem created by such vulnerabilities represents a risk that could be many orders higher in magnitude.

To be able to respond in a timely manner and minimize the risks associated, organizations require advanced vulnerability management capabilities, tools, and more effective processes. Another important challenge that exists within vulnerability management is timeline orchestration and setting up the priority between the security teams and the resolver groups.

"Businesses face huge data risks and ransomware-type of attacks with a poor security management program."

Fortunately, Mindtree’s Cyber Security offerings can help organizations build proactive measures and compensating controls to maintain their security posture. MSecure–Threat Vulnerability Management (TVM) Service is one of Mindtree’s cyber-security platforms that proactively tracks the overall system-level risk in real-time. MSecure–TVM enables enterprises with proactive visibility to identify system risks as well as direct orchestration of the chain of activities across multiple teams to ensure critical events are addressed in a timely manner.



2. About MSecure-TVM Service

Mindtree’s MSecure-TVM Service serves as the backbone in reducing an organization’s system exposure, hardening the endpoint surface area and increasing organizational resilience. Our service can be implemented as part of an IT vulnerability management program. It can also seamlessly integrate with existing processes to uplift response velocity.

Our MSecure-TVM service helps organizations discover vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in real-time, based on data feeds, without having the need for agents or repetitive scans. It prioritizes vulnerabilities based on the threat landscape, sensitivity of information on critical assets, and the business context.


3. MSecure-TVM Service Features

The MSecure-TVM Service consists of Mindtree’s feature-rich cyber security platform and our professional security services to deliver continuous vulnerability reduction, even for the most complex vulnerability management program.

  • Work on a vulnerability only once: Vulnerability scans tend to report the same vulnerabilities over and over again, until such time that they are corrected and closed. If vulnerabilities are not addressed, then analysts will spend time repetitively analyzing them. MSecure-TVM can track such cases, orchestrate remediation activities, and close them, thus resulting in savings in analysis as well as reducing the overall risk score.

  • Integrated operation with multiple security tools: Most security tools produce standalone results, which then require additional analyst time to consolidate and correlate multiple result sets to determine the enterprise system risk. In most organizations, the results are not quantifiable at the enterprise level. MSecure-TVM can deliver an assessment of overall system exposure and associated risks by correlating multiple reports, which provides a more accurate exposure Vs. risk for the enterprise.

  • Centralized management: MSecure-TVM provides a centralized view and maximized use of data points to display overall progress, risk exposure, and rate of remediation.


4. MSecure-TVM Service Extensibility

The MSecure-TVM service is built on a platform that supports integration with customers’ toolsets to protect their existing tool investment. Native REST-API extensions provide seamless integration with your existing security toolset, and your tool capabilities are extended in a secure manner. We have ready API integrations for many leading security solutions and IT tools.


5. MSecure-TVM Single Operational Pane

The MSecure-TVM service provides a single operational view to execute and manage multiple tasks, and ensures that management and remediation activities are consistent with your organization’s security policy.


6. Conclusion

Organizations have been making investments and implementing pointed solutions to address vulnerability management challenges. Mindtree’s Msecure-TVM is modern and provides organizations with rewarding results.

  • Accurately determines the vulnerability that exposes server risks to the enterprise which require immediate attention

  • Enables collaborative effort between security and IT support teams to help identify and remediate true positives

  • Brings visibility to attack vectors and supports in minimizing the attack surface

  • Whether a legacy or modern IT system landscape, MSecure-TVM service can deliver improved remediation velocity to align with your organization’s goals

  • Integrates both technical and process layers, providing options to determine whether to eliminate, mitigate, or tolerate vulnerabilities based on risk and cost.

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