Case Study

Migration to Microservices for a multinational nutritional supplement manufacturer and retailer


The challenges

The client wanted to re-architect and re-build their existing enterprise application integration layer using the channel and geo agnostic Microservices. The re-architecture is meant to build a highly scalable and loosely coupled integration landscape to connect with various retail and manufacturing applications to enable end to end seamless operations.

Our solution

Key highlights of our solution:

  • Domain driven design approach to re-design the application layer using Microservices, API gateways, adapters and message driven model using Spring Boot Microservices with NoSQL DB [Mongo DB] and Kafka messaging layer
  • The solution was designed and built on AWS with infra as code model using CloudFormation templates
  • Continuous integration using automated DevOps Jenkins pipeline with code analysis, test, deployment, and containerized deployment using docker in Amazon ECS

The results

The solution delivered the following benefits

  • Improved scalability and control using API-led microservices architecture and AWS cloud native features
  • The service enabled the business domains to increase the availability of entities and easy integration for business or technical needs
  • Quick and cost-effective development and change cycle through automated CI (Continuous Integration) pipelines and automated environment builds using infra as code

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Migration to Microservices for a multinational nutritional supplement manufacturer and retailer
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