White Paper

Healthcare Digital Front Door


A scalable and omnichannel approach to care delivery and consumer engagement by unlocking a holistic healthcare approach

Mindtree's POV on how Digital Front Door unlocks a holistic healthcare approach to empower patients with personalized access to care. Digital Front Door unlocks interfaces that are convenient, timely, aesthetic, omnichannel and personalized.

This is set to revolutionize care delivery, optimize consumer experience and health outcomes. It overcomes traditional healthcare challenges such as fragmented systems, lack of visibility, delays, etc. It also serves as a healthcare consumer’s unified portal for holistic solutions and services.

A robust Digital Front Door will help healthcare organizations to attract, engage, and retain patients. Mindtree can help you leverage a Digital Front Door for:

  • A 360-degree view of the healthcare consumer encompassing all relevant information.
  • Data-driven personalization and targeting for a better consumer experience.
  • A unified, omnichannel healthcare consumer portal with mobile apps for a seamless journey.
  • Improved accessibility of care across omnichannel.
  • Reduced cost of care with increased patient retention and satisfaction.
  • Security, compliance, and interoperability across systems to bridge silos.
  • Predictive analytics for coaching and behavior changes to optimize healthcare.

Learn more about how Mindtree’s Digital Front Door can enhance your healthcare organization, optimizing consumer experience and operations for both payers and providers.

Download our whitepaper on Digital Front Door: A Scalable and Omnichannel Approach to Care Delivery and Consumer Experience.

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