Case Study

Enhancing Web Content Management System (WCMS) and service


Changing business environments require enterprises to consider cloud technologies to remain agile and flexible. However, multiple factors such as costs, infrastructure, security, interoperability and compliance, impact business decisions while migrating to cloud.

eCommerce platform providers are looking at solutions to drive customer loyalty and increase transactions. They need to take advantage of cloud to offers the desired scalability and operational agility through a ‘pay as you go’ model.

Here’s how Mindtree provided a scalable and secure eCommerce platform on cloud, for the largest online gift card exchange provider.

The challenge

The customer offers an eCommerce platform that connects over 400 merchants with their customers. They operate in a USD 30 billion market of unused or unspent gift cards. The customer wanted to provide a robust, secure and scalable architecture model for their online portal, to meet the demands of the expanding trading community.

The platform needed to support multiple currencies and payment methods. It needed to meet the spurt in demand, optimize inventory and create various promotion and pricing schemes. The customer also needed to optimize card processing time during high seasonal traffic.

In addition, the platform needed to integrate with a third party inventory management system, support customized payment authorization and workflows.

More importantly, the customer wanted to make the new platform operational in six weeks before the holiday season.

Our solution

Mindtree designed and developed the entire eCommerce platform for the customer to enable online transactions. We built catalog, order management and workflows to handle new modes of payment, like Amazon Credits. We built the user interface to enable users manage their accounts online, search for cards, checkout and purchase / sell / exchange cards.

Mindtree provided third party integration for inventory management, shipping labels, fraud detection, email notification and payment gateway interfaces. Our eCommerce expertise and extensive cloud experience helped the customer launch their portal in time for the holiday season.

Our approach

  • Provided end-to-end consulting, application development, implementation and testing
  • Developed a hybrid model, which is a mix of private and public cloud, rich in features, adhering to all the process and regulatory standards
  • Used custom-built tools for monitoring and reporting the application and infrastructure components
  • Provided 24/7 shared services model support
  • Developed an ISO 2000 compliant operator manual and a standard operating procedure

Client benefits

  • Enabled transactions worth USD 10 million in a calendar year
  • Ensured business continuity by handling demand spikes and providing a faster response time
  • Enabled efficient capacity planning and management
  • Avoided downtime during the holiday season by proactively monitoring and fixing issues
Enhancing Web Content Management System (WCMS) and service
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