Case Study

Efficiency, usability and future preparedness through a next-generation corporate marketing platform for a manufacturer of sporting merchandise


Many global enterprises leverage centralized marketing platforms to provide marketing personnel with single-window access to services they need for marketing campaigns, in pursuit of efficiency and effectiveness.

Here is how Mindtree helped a leading manufacturer of footwear, sporting goods and apparel develop a more effective platform for corporate marketing, used by product managers for planning marketing activities.

The challenge

The customer's existing marketing platform was plagued by issues to do with usability, performance, lack of clear vision and roadmap; and redundancy in processes. Specifically:

  • The system was too complex, and users needed to access multiple systems to complete transactions resulting in a higher workload and lower usability
  • The application response time was suboptimal, impacting its performance
  • There was no clear vision and roadmap for the marketing platform
  • The existing application dealt only with information flows without focusing on usability leading to a poor user experience and difficult-to-navigate user interface
  • The system exhibited redundancy in technical and business processes

To address these challenges, the customer asked Mindtree for assistance with a roadmap for systems excellence, intuitive user interface and improved usability; and a unified application that could be used by its marketing personnel.

Our solution

Mindtree engaged with the customers as their strategic partner in the marketing area. We provided end-to-end program management, architecture, and development and testing as part of this exercise. Core facets of our solution were:

  • Vision definition through a foundation consulting exercise:Mindtree architects envisaged the foundational platform to integrate business processes and support business and IT priorities.
  • Collaboration execution model:We ensured early involvement of the customer in the ideation and documentation process.
  • Iterative development process:Users were consulted whenever possible, for example through wireframes and visual design reviews. We then course corrected as necessary.
  • Strong user experience (UX) focus and outstanding results:Mindtree brought strong UX expertise to this engagement and delivered high-quality visual design and UX elements. We also utilized a UX developer for the user interface testing.
  • Test cases automation:We automated test cases and built a regression suite that can be used for subsequent iterations, and also for testing cycles during later stages of the project.
  • Performance tests:Performance testing was done in each iteration, resulting in early identification of necessary corrective actions and ultimately, outstanding performance.

Business impact

  • More efficient marketing planning process
  • Improved user experience
  • Project ‘exceeded expectations’ by the parameters set by the customer
  • Defined clear roadmap for the future
  • Eliminated process redundancies
  • Improved application performance
Efficiency, usability and future preparedness through a next-generation corporate marketing platform for a manufacturer of sporting merchandise
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