White Paper

Digital Experience Platforms Outlook


Digital Experience Platforms (DXPs) are major players in the experience segment for various enterprises. DXPs provide many built-in solution components, integrators, plugins, accelerators to rapidly develop and deploy the solution to the market. Enterprises can quickly innovate and can rapidly respond to market dynamics with DXPs. In this whitepaper we discuss the outlook of DXP in the coming days.


Digital experience platforms (DXP) are primarily customer engagement platforms that optimize the user experience at every touch point in the user journey leveraging an integrated set of technologies of the platform. DXPs provide unified user experience across all channels and activities. DXP is a convergence of all customer centric technologies such as content systems, portals, analytics, campaigns, targeting, search, mobile apps, and such. DXP comprises of integrated set of technologies that provides capabilities for presentation, content management, commerce, marketing search, analytics, campaigns, etc.

Gartner defines a digital experience platform (DXP) as an integrated set of technologies, based on a common platform, that provides a broad range of audiences with consistent, secure, and personalized access to information and applications across many digital touchpoints. Organizations use DXPs to build, deploy and continually improve websites, portals, mobile and other digital experiences. DXPs manage the presentation layer based on the role, security privileges and preferences of an individual. They combine and coordinate applications, including content management, search and navigation, personalization, integration and aggregation, collaboration, workflow, analytics, mobile and multichannel support1.

A digital experience platform (DXP) is a well-integrated and cohesive set of technologies designed to enable the composition, management, delivery and optimization of contextualized digital experiences across multi experience customer journeys.

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