
Data-driven approach to fuel growth and elevate experience in healthcare


In this webinar we discuss the use of data, driven-by AI/ML to provide contextual & personalized services, patient experience, assist consumers make the appropriate care choices, design products and services driven-by data and customized to meet consumers where they are in life, while being compliant with privacy, security, and regulatory requirements in healthcare.

The discussion with industry executives from UnitedHealthcare, Seattle Children’s, Abbott and Mindtree was conducted on May 3, 2022. The webinar was hosted by Mindtree and moderated by ISG.

In this webinar the experts talked about:

  • How to improve consumer acquisition and retention rates in a hyper-competitive healthcare environment leveraging contextual and personalized services.
  • How to assist consumers make the appropriate care choice, from a cost, convenience & outcomes standpoint.
  • How to design products and services driven-by data and customized to meet consumers where they are in life.
  • How to maintain compliance with privacy, security, and regulatory requirements in healthcare as applicable to sales, marketing, personalization, and communication.
  • How to increase your CSAT and NPS scores through better consumer engagement.

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Data driven approach to enhance healthcare experience
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