White Paper

Cloud Assessment & Migration


A whitepaper on cutting your cloud migration time in half to accelerate your benefits


1. Market Perspective

With the challenges that 2020 has brought, cloud adoption rates are sky-rocketing, as organizations seek to drive out costs and support a massive remote workforce. Bringing digital transformation forward will drive significant cost savings and efficiencies for businesses, particularly with softening IT budgets and people working remotely, and cloud will lead the way. In this whitepaper, we have outlined how to shift your IT economics by accelerating your migration to cloud and converting CapEx to a highly-automated OpEx.

2. Accelerating to Cloud

Leveraging cloud capabilities is certainly one of the most prominent IT cost reduction strategies, providing as much as 70% TCO reduction. Whether you intend to utilize public cloud, such as Azure, AWS, or GCP, or your own private cloud, often, simply getting your workloads to cloud is a stumbling block. Mindtree has developed a platform-led approach for accelerating your migration to cloud (no matter which cloud provider), which also accelerates your benefit realization. Mindtree’s ComPass platform embeds significant automation and analysis capabilities that can cut your cloud migration time up to 50%.

2.1 Barriers for Cloud Adoption

There are barriers to adopting cloud, particularly in today’s world. Many enterprise are focused on engaging in BCP initiatives or other critical activities that draw their attention away from a cloud migration. However, a cloud migration provides an enterprise with significant cost take-out and cash-flow protection, which can be a critical business need today. Mindtree’s promise is to bring a platform-led cloud migration approach through which business barriers can be overcome to deliver the desired cost savings and business value.


Cloud Strategy & Migration

Mindtree’s cloud migration approach provides you with a risk controlled and accelerated migration by leveraging our unique platforms and accelerators:

  • ComPass: This accelerator provides a bottom-up view of dependencies, helps in auto-discovery of application dependencies on infrastructure components and configuration with minimal or zero intervention from existing teams

  • ATLASTM 360: For bespoke applications, ATLASTM 360 provides a top-down view of the architectural debt, specifically highlighting impediments and boosters to cloud deployment

  • Minimum Viable Cloud (MVC): MVC framework with core and critical architectural constructs provided as accelerators to fast-track cloud design. The MVC covers pre-built cloud-agnostic templates covering Account setup, Connectivity & Network (VPC), Security (IAM) and Governance


2.3 Converting CapEx to a Highly Automated OpEx

Moving to cloud is only winning half the battle. While cloud promises substantial cost savings, there has been extensive occurrences of workloads moving back to on-prem. Even when your cloud strategy has identified the types of workloads and detailed cost savings, enterprises are having trouble recognizing the benefits. Mindtree has identified three main benefit barriers that cause trouble with the recognition of cloud benefits.

Cloud Benefit Barriers and how to Overcome them


2.4 Proof Point: Cloud Migration

Mindtree migrated 700 digital properties to cloud for a leading multi-national packaged food manufacturer in half the expected time (16 months expected, 8.5 months actual time), delivering accelerated 25% OpEx savings.



Organizations have been forced into a new paradigm of innovation and risk management, where taking advantage of cloud services can provide some protection. Mindtree has developed the competencies and platforms to accelerate your cloud migration and over-lay hyper-automated cloud operations to help successfully traverse this systemic disruption and embark on future growth with flexible IT operating models and cost structures.

Download the whitepaper to learn more

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