Case Study

Azure PaaS and DevOps implementation for hosting of applications


The Client

An American multinational consumer goods corporation


  • With over 120+ brands globally, brand marketing sites (600+) were implemented using Sitecore based digital marketing platform
  • ~100 Legacy Applications managed by 20+ vendors with no standard CI/CD processes
  • The marketing platform was hosted on Virtual Private Data Center and across geographies
  • Huge operational expenditure
  • Billing and chargeback to respective brands
  • Longer SLAs


  • A PaaS first approach for better operational efficiency
  • Did PoC for Sitecore on Azure PaaS and gave recommendations based on capabilities and limitations of the platform
  • B2C applications in Java and PHP are dockerized and deployed on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and Azure App services using Azure DevOps. Recommended Azure App services for legacy .Net applications.
  • Leveraged Cloud-native solutions for infrastructure monitoring and backup
  • Implemented DevOps and standardized the process across vendors
  • Automated build and maintenance of base docker images to support different application frameworks and versions
  • DevOps for infrastructure provisioning and building hardened base docker images


  • Leaner team for CloudOps and Standard templates and hardened images for infrastructure provisioning
  • Unified DevOps platform and processes across vendors and projects
  • Application portability through Containerization and Centralized log analytics
  • Increased agility in Infrastructure provisioning and related activities
  • Reduced TCO through:
    • Optimized Infrastructure – scale up/down based on demand
    • Reduced Operation cost – by leveraging Azure PaaS wherever feasible
Azure PaaS and DevOps implementation for hosting of applications
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