Case Study

1.5 million page visits a day and USD 1 billion in revenues for a global car rental brand


Delivered 1.5 million page visits a day and USD 1 billion in revenues, through an eCommerce solution, for a global car rental brand.

The travel industry is gearing up to service new consumer demands. They need innovative, content-rich and agile solutions to help them connect to their customers across multiple digital channels.

Here’s a story of a partnership between Mindtree and one of the largest car rental brands in the world. We designed an eCommerce strategy that significantly increased online reservations, contributing to one third of the total reservations

The challenge

The customer operates two of the leading global brands in the vehicle rental industry in the USA.

Due to functional and technical limitations of the customer's portal, the existing website was not generating significant revenues. In addition, high dependency on the distribution channels resulted in significant loss of profitability. They needed to enhance their website in terms of functionality, user interface and technology. The customer was also keen to offer their services on mobile devices to meet customer demands.

Key challenges faced by the customer were:

  • Providing multilingual personalized support features on the website
  • Increasing the website revenue by providing discounted pre-paid reservations and decreasing the number of no-shows
  • Providing quality content on mobile devices

Our solution

Mindtree's association with the customer started in 2000. Our twelve year successful relationship spans several projects including new application development, application support, application maintenance and enhancements. Our engagement started with creating an online marketing strategy and developing an online portal with key features like reservation, enrolment, rental agreement and location search.

Key features of the solution include:
  • Admin tool for business users to manage segments for corporate customers and partners
  • Simplify partner creation and ability to service small business customers, travel agents and other partners
  • Handled program management for pre-pay reservation
  • Mobility strategy provided a uniform and easy-to-use experience on mobile devices and all digital channels
  • Global website roll-out in different regions in localized languages such as French and Spanish

Business impact

  • Generated 1.5 million page visits a day contributing over USD 1 billion in revenues
  • Enabled 20% increase in the revenue from the new websites, reducing commission given to agents
  • Helped capture more market share through the mobile website
  • Significantly improved website performance
  • Improved response time and the user experience, thereby increasing customer satisfaction
1.5 million page visits a day and USD 1 billion in revenues for a global car rental brand
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