Mobility: Business in Motion


Connected mobile devices now outnumber human beings worldwide, and they continue to multiply five times faster than the global population.*

This rapid shift toward mobility has transformed the world into a network that offers instant access to information and makes it easy for billions of people to conduct nearly all their personal and professional affairs anywhere, anytime and on a variety of handy devices.

How mobility can transform organizations

Organizations that succeed in developing a winning mobility strategy experience deeper customer engagement, increased productivity and stronger partner relationships. Yet many organizations face obstacles such as lack of mobility expertise, concerns about data security in a mobile environment, or the need to support multiplatform bring-your-own-device initiatives.

At Mindtree, we integrate business processes to deliver mobile solutions that are engaging and easy to use. These solutions are technology-and platform-independent, so users can stay connected on any device, and we tailor our mobile strategies to the needs of each client to drive the growth of their organization.

Mindtree and mobility

We offer a full range of mobility services by designing mobile strategies to address our client's current and future business needs. Then we develop mobile solutions that make the best use of both new and existing applications and platforms.

Client Success Story Hotel

We also provide comprehensive testing, maintenance and infrastructure management services as needed. Finally, we use advanced data analytics and reporting tools to collect and analyze mobile application data, so our clients always know exactly how our solutions are supporting their business objectives.

*GSMA Intelligence, 2014