
How Data Helps Keep Freight Moving & Employees Safe


The Logistics & Transportation industry is caught in a very unique spot. It is being expected to drive efficiency and visibility across the whole supply chain on one hand. While on the other, sudden demand shifts or unforeseen border closures/local lockdowns are making the environment very volatile leading to planning and execution challenges.

So, what are the lessons learned from this unprecedented global pandemic of COVID-19? How can enterprises arm their teams with the right decision making tools? How do you deal with irregular operations and uncertain demand-supply? can data help? And why are some organizations managing the crisis better than the others?

Listen to this informative webinar with Tableau and Mindtree on the power of being able to make swift and agile decisions based on the example of a logistics company. This company was able to protect its supply chain as well as the health of its employees by combining the internal reporting with external COVID-19 data.

Are you ready to make your organization more robust and resilient with the power of data too?
Listen to this revealing conversation where we dive into:

  • Setting the scene for the case of 'swift and agile decision making'
  • Showing how to identify and implement use cases that matter most to your logistics & transportation business
  • A demo - demonstrating the power of data in two use cases for the logistics & transportation industry

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