Case Study

Upgraded business intelligence system for a leading Indian telecommunications enterprise


The Indian telecommunications industry is highly competitive, with homegrown and overseas players competing for market share across wireline and wireless telephony, internet and TV services, and specialized enterprise services.

Here is how Mindtree equipped a leading Indian telecommunications service provider with a next-generation business intelligence (BI) system to help it gain insights, meet reporting obligations and reduce IT costs.

The challenge

The customer was hindered by outdated BI infrastructure that impeded effective decision making and accurate external reporting. In addition, some of its legacy BI technologies lacked support in the market. Other problems included a lack of scalability to support growth in call volumes and reporting demand; and data quality issues leading to inaccurate reporting.

The customer was looking for a technology partner with deep telecom domain knowledge. It asked Mindtree to:

  • Propose a roadmap to revamp data warehousing and BI technology
  • Reduce operational costs
  • Ensure 99.8% system availability
  • Ensure 100% accuracy of reports
  • Recommend and implement high-end server technology
  • Support manual reporting
  • Maintain third-party systems

Our solution

Mindtree collaborated with the customer to create an approach and roadmap for the implementation of a new BI platform sourced from CDW, a leading provider of technology solutions for business, government, education and healthcare.

We transitioned third-party technology support from the previous supplier to Mindtree. In doing so, we supported existing data warehouse applications without the benefit of documentation. We identified critical data quality issues, which helped improve the accuracy of reports. The team also transitioned operational support for manual reporting for improved reporting with better documentation.

Since there was highly limited documentation on existing systems, we began by conducting a system analysis and documenting requirements. The team conducted workshops with business and technical users to understand their needs, pain areas and challenges.

We studied existing applications and performed reverse engineering to document business transformation logic. After considering multiple options, we drafted the to-be architecture and high-level implementation plan to execute a revamping exercise; and recommended a new reporting tool based on the customer's needs.

Mindtree currently provides the customer with long-term support, working with incidents and changes as they arise. Additionally, we perform application monitoring and health checks, and ensure reporting service-level agreements (SLAs) are met.

Business impact

  • Equipped the customer with a scalable, high-performance system
  • Ensured 100% accuracy of reports
  • Reduced operational costs
  • Delivered up to 40% increase in application performance
  • Improved process reliability
Upgraded business intelligence system for a leading Indian telecommunications enterprise
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