Case Study

Superior user experience through cost-effective browser compatibility testing for global software major


The highly competitive browser market is dominated by a few players vying for market share. As site compatibility is a key lever of competitive advantage, a smoother browser experience can pave the way for market leadership and success.

Here is how Mindtree helped a global software organization to test the compatibility of their Web browser with thousands of high-traffic websites for a better user experience.

The challenge

The customer has a range of Web-related products, portals and applications. Its Web browser plays a critical role in the success of its online business, however the customer was experiencing a drop in popularity in the market due to aggressive competition from other browsers.

To get ahead, they wanted to analyze and improve the user experience through better compatibility, including on 5,000 high-traffic priority websites. Specific objectives included:

  • Improving the adoption of their current as well as the upcoming Web browser by providing a better user experience in terms of safety, security and speed
  • Identifying and overcoming compatibility obstacles for the websites developed in legacy technologies; and the websites developed using the new emerging technologies
  • Ensuring that their browser followed W3C standards
  • Recommending changes in compatibility view list of Web browser to resolve compatibility issues
  • Checking accessibility
  • Checking compatibility of various add-ons
  • Ensuring sufficient test coverage as well as regression of failed scenarios

The customer was looking for an expert testing partner with expertise in Web application testing. Compatibility testing included benchmarking performance against competing browsers. The test effort also involved testing of non-English web sites requiring specialized language skills.

Our solution

Mindtree collaborated with the customer to chalk out a testing approach and roadmap for compatibility testing in line with the release cycle of upcoming versions of their Web browser. Solution highlights included:

  • Comparing the upcoming version with the current release and competing products to identify potential issues
  • Forming a team to handle the required number of test passes and other activities based on an accurate estimate of work load and pace
  • Establishing a process for execution, review and quality assurance
  • Performing an initial analysis of compatibility issues on various parameters such as JavaScript, Graphics, DOM, User Agent String, and HTML parser
  • Applying customer practices to form an extended Web browser compatibility test team for the customer's engineering team and their partners
  • Developing a factory model to deliver with consistency and on time
  • Locating and developing appropriate language skills for non-English websites testing
  • Customizing test processes and creating a comprehensive knowledge base

Client benefits

  • Helped the customer to identify and fix approximately 80% of compatibility issues
  • Saved good amount of efforts and cost through regular bug scrubbing and initial root cause analysis
  • Ensured minimal management efforts on the customer's part
  • Helped the customer to identify list of sites, which need to be outreached to site owner for smoother browsing of sites on latest version of web browser
Superior user experience through cost-effective browser compatibility testing for global software major
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