
Smart Alert Management Solution


Banks and Financial Institutions (FIs) are at increased risk today, given the rising sophistication of financial crimes, worldwide. Existing rule-based alert systems fall short of requirement as they address only a known set of scenarios. Result, a high percentage of false positives and negatives while missing out on the truly suspicious ones. This further leads to revenue loss, heavy penalties for non-compliance and loss of brand reputation and image.

Banks and FIs need an alert management solution that not only provides accurate information from multiple sources but also offers efficient fraud identification and management in real time.

The Mindtree-Tookitaki Alert Management Solution (AMS) is a dynamically adaptive model based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) that is relevant to business at all times.

It is a completely automated, highly accurate, self-learning solution that detects new, suspicious cases with ease.

In addition, we offer end-to-end integrated services with advanced analytics for improved business agility.

Alert Management Solution, Banking, Capital Markets
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