White Paper

Reimagining Employee Experience


Executive Summary

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the organization effort to adopt smart digital workspaces and remote work models15. Even before remote work became the new normal, employee experience was a keen area of interest for high performing organizations. Employee experience is the new battleground for organizations who want to actively engage employees and improve their productivity, thus leading to a competitive edge. Employee-first organizations have a laser-sharp focus on employee-friendly policies, digital workplaces and employee metrics. The battle to win the minds and hearts of employees is quintessential for high performing organizations.

The employee experience landscape is changing quickly; various aspects of employee experience such as collaboration, user experience, process automation and mobile enablement are changing in rapid pace. Organizations strive to provide employee-centric and compelling experiences to attract and retain talent. An effective employee experience becomes the strategic competitive advantage for an organization.

Based on extensive research, we explore a comprehensive optimization strategy for employee experience in this whitepaper. We explore the employee experience from various dimensions to get a 360-degree view of the optimizations. We shall look at the ways to optimize the phases and dimensions of the employee journey, the building blocks and the digital workplace strategy. A digital workplace or an employee experience platform is a quintessential element of any successful employee experience strategy. Hence, we explore the digital workplace strategy, framework and platform principles in detail.

The whitepaper is beneficial for CXOs, architects and digital practitioners.


Employee experience (abbreviated as EX) is ‘a set of perceptions that employees have about their experiences at work in response to their interactions with the organization.’3 Employee experience is all about engaging the employee through consumer-grade applications. Providing an efficient and engaging employee experience results in high productivity, thus leading to a definitive competitive edge for the organizations. The overall work satisfaction, productivity, retention are all closely related to the employee experience. Employee experience also doubles the overall customer satisfaction52. A robust employee experience strategy is required to attract and retain talent, improve overall productivity and employee satisfaction, and innovate better. The overall employee experience includes moments of truth such as receiving manager feedback, leadership communication, seeking out help, manager interactions etc55.

We shall examine the evolution, challenges and trends of EX, to understand its dynamics better. This lays the foundation for the optimization strategy and building blocks for EX that we will discuss in the future sections.

Trends in employee experience

Technology is redefining the way we work. The demographics of the workforce, work duration, access devices, collaboration model and employee expectations have all changed drastically in the last five years. We have depicted the key trends shaping the employee experience.

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