
Possibilities Newsletter - November 2020


From the Editor's desk

We have some great highlights for you this month. Learn about our newest digital transformation project with Nordex, watch a virtual design thinking workshop in action, and take a deep dive into the center of the digital transformation revolution with AiThority and Venu Lambu.
Brendan Kavaney, Head of Field Marketing

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Mindtree’s Venu Lambu discusses the role of digital transformation in the post-COVID-19 world in his recent interview with AiThority

Venu Lambu, President of Global Markets, discusses the importance of digital transformation as the key to survival and sustained growth in the post-COVID-19 world, how global cloud and IT/ITES markets are responding to recent lockdowns, and the future of AI and ML in digital business.

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Mindtree partners with the Nordex Group to drive forward the company’s digital transformation journey

The Nordex Group, a leading wind turbine manufacturer, chose Mindtree as its business transformation partner to simplify, modernize, and transform its entire IT landscape globally. This ve-year plan will support the company’s growth plans and signicantly contribute to carbon-free power generation.

Mindtree Partners Nordex Group Drive Forward Digital Transformation Journey

Employ Design Thinking Transform Your Offerings

Employ design thinking to transform your offerings

Watch Mindtree’s latest Design Thinking Workshop, Employ Design Thinking to Transform Your Offerings, and explore how we have partnered with our clients to discover new revenue streams and service models, all by enabling a designdriven product strategy.

Front-end data visualization tools to look outfor in 2021

Data visualization tools provide visual elements to help us process a variety of data at a glance—but do they always provide simple and powerful visualizations that give meaning to the data, despite the screen size? See our predictions for the top ve data visualization tools to bring your data to life in 2021.

Achieving Pricing Maturity Digital Transformation Roadmap

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