Case Study

Over 45% cost savings efficiency for an Australian superannuation & pension administrator


Client overview

The client is a leading superannuation and pension administrator based in Australia. It has a portfolio of corporate market financial solutions and share registry systems across geographies.

The challenge

The client wanted to embark on an ambitious acquisition journey that needed the IT infrastructure to keep up pace with migrations, integrations and consolidation. In essence, the journey comprised large-scale business innovations and a modernization sprint involving alternate execution models.

The client had a large portfolio of 45+ applications across multiple technologies. Its LANSA-based application was not very scalable, semi-configurable and had high time-to-market. There was a demand for scalable, cross-platform and cost-effective enterprise solutions in key business applications, CRM and BPM. New technology needed to be implemented in several areas simultaneously, with a need for a technology roadmap.

Mindtree has a 15-year relationship with the client, and has assisted them in various initiatives. Our relationship has grown from .NET experience to managed services to digital transformation to cloud.

Our solution

Mindtree identified four waves for transition over a period of five months. We consolidated 57 applications to 44, and transitioned in three months with no overruns and zero escalations. We helped migrate the retirement contribution platform for employees from a legacy platform to a web-based solution, thus streamlining and integrating the collection function. The new cloud CRM solution offers flexible architecture and easy fund customization. Due diligence exercises identified and eliminated many redundant, non-productive client positions, thus resulting in immediate savings for the client. Mindtree’s Atlas™ MPAF framework helped identify transition waves to drive KT prioritization. Also, CAPE™ was implemented on over 75% of applications for the automation of the CI pipeline.


Mindtree’s solution resulted in the following benefits:

  • An engagement level of 10% Y-o-Y cost saving on maintenance for five consecutive years
  • Overall cost savings efficiency achieved >45%
  • Estimated TCO reduction of about 35% in 15 months through continuous improvement
  • The cloud CRM solution offers flexible architecture and easy fund customization, which resulted in 50% reduction in infrastructure costs

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