Gone are the days of large-scale database systems that offer more than a thousand functionalities. Customers use less than 20% of these functionalities provided by the specific DBMS/RDBMS systems, and hence, end users are moving towards database systems which offer focused services. It has also been observed that in case an end customer is to integrate more than two-three small-scale database systems for multiple functionalities, it becomes easier and cost effective. Interestingly, most such databases are open source in nature. At the same time, the trend to move things to cloud has also been established as a standard.
In this whitepaper, we have attempted at summarizing a few ways of migrating some of the major open source databases and enterprise databases (like Oracle) to cloud database (predominantly PaaS).
High Level Architecture
The overall high-level architecture follows the process of Assess, Migration, and Optimize to ensure that workloads are ready to meet production demands on the Azure platform.
A high level solution architect is flexible enough to cater to various different RDBMS (heterogeneous) needs by using tools like ORA2PG .DMA SSMA.
Our approach to database migration, in general, could be summarized as:
- Pre-migration check-list preparation (Install DMA, assess database compatibility)
- Offline versus online migrations to determine whether the downtime is acceptable; if not, to be prepared for online/minimal down time migration options (DMS, Transactional Replication)
- Preparation of target Azure Postgre Database
- Validate the migration steps
- Create a migration project
- Analyze and access source and target
- Add databases and plan
- Select login
- Migration to Azure Postgre Database
- Verify data in Azure Postgre Database
- Post-migration: Optimum utilization and to ensure smooth functioning wherever possible
- Remediate procedures/ steps