Case Study

Online platform for a leading American consumer electronic enterprise


The client is an American multinational corporation(MNC) that designs and markets consumer electronics, computer software and personal computers (PCs). With 300+ retail stores in ten countries, they needed to upgrade an existing online platform with better performance and improved user experience. Mindtree handled the entire QA process for the various versions of the new platform and enabled a smooth transition for them.

Business challenge

The client required a solution by which an automated update on the stability of the testing build could be evaluated. This included:

  • Handling the entire testing life cycle of the customer’s online store, from estimation and planning to production deployment.
  • Delivering a bug free product that would meet the requirements and quality standards defined by the client.
  • Developing an automation testing framework and test suites for build verification and regression testing.
  • Creating a flexible team that could scale up / ramp up quickly to meet additional and unplanned project requirements without compromising on the quality of the deliverables.

Our solution

Our expertise in independent testing and a deep understanding of the customer’s product helped in accelerating the deployment of their online shopping application across multiple geographies.

Some key benefits delivered were as follows:

1) Created a BVT suite: This would be executed the moment the build was deployed and an email was sent with the status update of the build.

2) Developed an automation framework: We used Selenium, Java, TestNg, ReportNG and other proprietary tools to develop the framework for their online store. The main aim was to automate the BVTs and develop automated suites for regression testing.

3) Delivered a high quality product: A robust product was delivered that met the strict quality standards defined by the customer. We took ownership of the product’s entire testing life cycle.

4) Created metrics: This enabled the customer to look at the QA progress of all the projects for every release.

5) Supported the customer: A team of qualified and experienced resources trained on niche technologies like Selenium, Java, TestNg, ReportNG and also on the customer’s proprietary tools.

Client benefits

  • Delivered significant cost savings to the customer. This was achieved by having less resources onsite who were supported by a large team of qualified experts operating offshore, at considerably reduced rates.
  • Significantly reduced test cycle time and accelerated go-to-market time. This was achieved by automating the Build Verification Test (BVT) and regression test.
Online platform for a leading American consumer electronic enterprise
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