Case Study

Mindtree’s Cloud Security Posture Assessment for a Retail Industry Giant


Fortify the ever-changing cloud security posture in near real time and stay protected!


  • The Client’s application infrastructure was hosted on AWS, and Mindtree managed the Client’s Development Environment.
  • The Client had limited visibility and lacked actionable insights due to the manual process. The lack of visibility and insights was posing challenges to achieve centralized workload management, which is crucial to obtain the unified assets view and supervise sensitive resources across multiple accounts for managing security. Actionable insights were needed for an in-depth understanding of where the attacks take place in the cloud environment and what assets are currently under threat.
  • The client suffered from a Brute Force Attack, which resulted in a breach, post which, the client requested to perform Cloud Security Posture Assessment to identify suspicious activities and behaviors to safeguard their sensitive resources and track attack events in order to prevent them.
  • Users had elevated admin privileges, which is against the security best practices. It was crucial to remove the excessive permissions to protect the Cloud Infra Security posture.
  • Compliance and standards adherence visibility was needed for the client’s Cloud infra. CIS standards were not adhered to in the client’s cloud environment. Moreover, they were not compliant with GDPR. Compliance reporting integration was needed to fortify the organization’s Security Posture, to detect any malicious activities, and to respond to attacks as soon as they are detected. It is also essential to prevent misconfiguration and excessive permissions.


  • Mindtree conducted Cloud Security Posture Assessment to identify publicly exposed assets (Exposed machines, Database storages, etc.) and to assess the compliance of AWS account to CIS Foundations, NIST, and GDPR.
  • Cloud Security Posture provided the Cross Cloud Visibility, which offered a unified view across multiple cloud environments, accounts, and prioritized alerts based on the associated risks.
  • Identification of the compliance & standards status and misconfigurations quickly to ensure continuous compliance and raise alerts in case of breach
  • Reporting and detection of cloud misconfigurations and malicious activity
  • Identification of permissions gap or removing excessive user permissions by applying the Least Privilege Principle. This helped to prevent misuse or compromises via any cloud accounts.
  • Custom Rule was implemented as per the customer’s requirements to enable Log status and tracking.
  • Risk Based, Cross Cloud - Actionable Insights were implemented


  1. Below benefits were achieved with Mindtree’s Cloud Security Posture Assessment: o Fortifying the Cloud Security posture
  2. Leverage AI/ML tools to get visibility in minutes
  3. Spend efforts in performing remediation actions rather than identifying the Logs
  4. Detection of publicly exposed assets and identification of excessive and unused permissions
  5. Closure of open ports in the exposed machines to prevent threats, data breaches, potential attacks and blocking them before the data loss happens and to meet the compliance standards like CIS and GDPR.
  6. Out of the box compliance reporting leading to saving manual effort
  7. Improved compliance as per CIS Foundations, NIST, and GDPR
  8. Effort Saving, increased productivity due to automated Security Assessment

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