
Mindtree IEEE 802.15.4 MAC and PHY Semiconductor IP


Designed for High performance, low footprint inter-operable across all major solutions

Semiconductor companies today, license Intellectual Property (IP) from third party suppliers and integrate it into their chips, to hit the market faster. In such a scenario, building the right System-on-Chip (SoC) depends on appropriate selection and integration of the IP.

Mindtree, a leading provider of Short Range wireless IP for the last 19 years, has developed an IP based on IEEE 802.15.4-2011 specifications. Mindtree’s Wireless IP for IEEE 802.15.4 MAC and PHY is designed to suit the needs of semiconductor companies. By partnering with us, companies can accelerate their product development lifecycle, thereby achieving faster
time-to-market for their products.

Mindtree, which is an associate member of Thread Group, is currently in the process of developing a Thread Stack which can be ported on top of the underlying hardware. With this, Mindtree will soon be able to provide a one-stop solution to the entire protocol stack of 802.15.4.

Why Mindtree 802.15.4 IP ?

Reduced development risk
 19+ years of experience in building and licensing wireless IP
 Robust and interoperable across all major solutions
 Optimized implementation
 Enables product companies engineer low-footprint
Protocol supported: IEEE 802.15.4-2011

IP Maturity
 Meets all specification requirements
 Licensed to top semiconductor companies
 Successfully Taped out
 First Chip, based on our 802.15.4 IP to be in production shortly

Supported Software Stacks
 Zigbee
 Thread

Faster time-to-market
 Well-defined platform abstraction layer for easy and risk-free porting and integration
 Highly customizable for product-specific optimization and differentiation
 Strong software credentials for building reference designs and sample applications

Reduced product costs
 One-stop-shop for 802.15.4 solution
 Optimized use of resources for low footprint, gate count
 Flexible support during product development life cycle.

Download brochure to know more

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