Case Study

Mindtree helps a leading HR/hiring company secure its online operations and cloud infrastructure




What do you do when you find out that your website has been hacked and you have been blacklisted on Google? This exactly was the problem faced by a talent search company which specializes in hiring for sensitive positions at esteemed organizations and government departments. When the company faced the crisis of a security breach and blacklisting from active search, Mindtree stepped in to avert the major loss of sensitive information and save the company’s reputation.


The company website had already been hacked and infected with malware (as interpreted in diagram). Critical personal information of the users was being accessed by a third party. The hack had been identified by Google and the company website was blacklisted from active search results. This meant a total halt in business. They required immediate assistance with both the restoration of their site and strong security implementations to avoid such an occurrence in the future.


Mindtree gathered a Rapid Action Task Force to perform Ethical Hacking and find the root cause of the problem. The team created test scenarios to conduct the website application forensics and figure out the source of the attack. Using BADO Threat Assessment Framework and AI powered SIEM solution, Mindtree was successful in reverse engineering the attack and plugging the gaps that caused the security breach.

The patched system was tested for various possible scenarios and once the fix was authenticated, the team worked with the company and Google to bring the system to a normal state.

Next, Mindtree provided Security Consulting Services to create custom security measures and protocols to secure the company website from external vulnerabilities. Secure coding rules were implemented to ensure implementation of security in every step of future development and enable early threat detection. A robust website threat model was created to detect future attacks and mitigate risks.


  • Mindtree helped the company regain its reputation as a secure job search platform and resume business as usual.
  • The security breach had exposed the critical personal data of over 100,000 users of the website. The jobs search section in the company was highly classified and thus posed a major threat for the hiring companies as well.
  • Mindtree helped avert a major incident by active threat dissemination and mitigate future risks.


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