Case Study

Lower downtime and timely access to lending applications through process improvement for a leading non-banking finance enterprise


Non-banking finance enterprises rely on dedicated applications to run their loan, mortgage and other financial product businesses. Inability to access these applications can affect daily operations and revenue.

Here is how Mindtree helped a leading Indian non-banking financial enterprise improve its end-of-year validation and release process to maintain business continuity.

The challenge

The customer faced grave challenges in managing its annual business processes while preserving user access to core lending applications. In particular, its End of Calendar Year (EOCY) validation and release process led to critical applications being offline for a whole calendar day. This downtime directly impacted service to end-users and led to lost revenue.

In addition:

  • Multiple deadlocks in the databases added to the timeline as they caused the process to be run on a Single thread
  • Constraints in replication of data due to combined log size of 1140 GB also contributed to a slower process

The customer approached Mindtree to meet these challenges and accelerate its EOCY process. Specific business and technical goals were to:

  • Reduce operations and business downtime
  • Reduce deadlock during EOCY process
  • Reduce database logs generation and size
  • Perform the process on multiple threads

Our solution

Mindtree collaborated with the customer to revise its processes and upgrade its technical practices to achieve the desired outcomes.

First, we studied the customer's processes and found that we could reduce timelines by changing the logic and sequence in which the data was processed. Instead of proceeding branch by branch, we conducted data field updates for all branches in a single transaction. Then, we saved processing time by improving data movement.

By doing this, the team was able to radically reduce the time taken for the EOCY process. We also eliminated deadlocks during the process run; introduced multi-thread processing and reduced the log size. As a result, the customer can now sync production and reporting environments in a timely fashion.

Most tellingly, the customer's mass market application's end-of-year process time has been reduced from over 27 hours to just six minutes. Time taken for the micro-finance application has been shortened from over 24 hours to one minute.

Business impact

  • On-time release of critical business applications to end-users
  • Saving of one calendar day for operations and business thus avoiding revenue loss
  • Radical reduction in process timelines with more than 99% efficiency
  • Better utilization of computing resources and talent
Lower downtime and timely access to lending applications through process improvement for a leading non-banking finance enterprise
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