Case Study

A leading business school transforms its donation management system


Client overview

The client is a leading US-based Ivy League business school. It has consistently ranked among the top business schools in the world, and it offers full-time MBA, doctoral, and many other executive education programs. The school also has a publishing arm that publishes business books, leadership articles and case studies.

Client’s business challenges

The business school had to transform its donation management system to streamline donations of digital artifacts like books, journals, and research papers. The business school aspired to modernize and adopt an enterprise wide adaptive digital donation processing and tracking system to support donations that:

  • Overhauls the legacy system to make it flexible, scalable, and user friendly by adding features to search/view/add digital donations
  • Manages donation records to comply with donor agreements legally
  • Improves data security, redundancy, inventory controls, file integrity, and medium-to-long term preservation of the donation artifacts

Engagement overview

To define the user persona, digital donation journey map and user stories. Mindtree team baselined the product requirements, donation workflow and wireframe.

Solution highlights

Mindtree’s application was named ADAPT - Adaptive Digital Appraisal and Processing Tool. It provided the below mentioned functionalities:

  • End-to-end business process re-engineering by adopting a journey based approach to define the digital donation journey within the business school
  • Designed a highly configurable, scalable and customizable workflow based on dynamic business needs of digital preservation
  • Centralized the donation tracking repository to unify communications and improve collaboration across departments
  • Developed standardized metadata and established governance policies for donation asset appraisal and usage
  • Automated repetitive tasks within the donation management workflow

Technology landscape

  • JIRA to track minor enhancements and defects
  • Axure Pro for wireframe creation and Adobe InDesign for user experience design
  • AngularJS, NetApp, Python, shell scripting for application development

Client value delivered

  • Streamlined donation management system right from asset ingest, appraisal, storage and retrieval
  • Provided a centralized location to store, track and protect digital assets with defined processes, which help to remove duplication and dependencies
  • Improved collaboration, workflow efficiency and communication across departments
  • Reduced donation asset retrieval and processing time by 30%
  • Enhanced business intelligence, dashboards and analytics to prioritize and categorize specific donations
  • Automation of 5 processes reduced 20% effort for digital preservation process
  • Digital donation processing capacity improved by 10%
  • Secured and monitored access to Ivy League business school’s digital donation
HBS adapt
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