Analyst Reports

ISG Report: Internet of Things


A research report on Internet of Things ecosystem comparing service provider strengths, challenges and competitive differentiators.

Experts around the world believe that there will be more than a trillion devices connected by 2020 which has made IoT a focus area for most organizations. Verticals and use cases where IoT has been progressing include healthcare, transportation, smart cities and smart offices. Consumer-connected areas including retail, hospitality, smart homes, and connected vehicles have also seen IoT progression.

The key to a successful IoT implementation are setting the right objectives, managing the flow of large amounts of data and capturing the data points necessary for deriving benefits and insights.

Internet of Things (IoT) services can be defined as the conglomeration of functions such as consulting and implementation (planning, cost analysis and business case development), technology integration and execution (device, platform, analytics, application and security) and overall IoT ecosystem management (managed services).

Solution providers have been continuously trying to add value to their client organizations’ IoT implementations. Starting with the early point solutions, big data analytics and predictive maintenance, solution providers helped enterprises to understand IoT and to determine how to use it to maximize their investment returns.

This comprehensive ISG Provider Lens Quadrant Report on Internet of Things gives in-depth detail on end-to-end implementation of IoT services - connectivity across networks, systems, data and objects, strong use cases with positive return on investment and a detailed analysis of IoT vendors, their capabilities, thought leadership, implementation strengths and industry solutions.