Case Study

Innovative demo for a flagship application lifecycle management product of a Fortune 500 software enterprise


The global enterprise software industry relies on internal sales forces to generate sales through persuasive customer interaction. In a competitive environment, it is critical for enterprises to showcase products that convincingly answer to customer needs; and to communicate their differentiation.

Here is how Mindtree helped global software major showcase its flagship application lifecycle management (ALM) product to prospective customers. We built a highly innovative demo that allowed the customer's internal sales team to describe and differentiate the product and its features in a unique way.

The challenge

The customer's flagship ALM product needed to be showcased to IT Decision Makers (ITDMs) and other influencers for the internal sales team to meet ambitious revenue targets. To do this, they needed a highly effective product demo that would demonstrate the product's use, features and business impact. With a globally dispersed sales force, the customer also needed robust remote access functionality for multiple users. Specific requirements included:

  • Developing content to showcase the ALM product's role in application development
  • Creating secure identity management functionality for the application
  • Ensuring that content includes scenarios such as Continuous Feedback, Integration and Deployment using the customer's tools
  • Integrating social media such as Facebook and Twitter; and third-party tools
  • Developing a unified service layer
  • Enabling field employees scattered across the globe to run demo independently; and to update the application without affecting users
  • Enabling easy user management

Our solution

Mindtree collaborated with the customer to develop an application showcasing its ALM product. In particular, we focused on demonstrating that the product provided a comprehensive solution for any team to embrace ALM practices at their own pace. As a result, they could reduce cycle times, eliminate impediments and deliver higher value.

The application was styled as a portal of a fictitious reality channel that allowed viewers to log in using their Facebook, Gmail or Yahoo! credentials. Visitors could then see a list of shows followed by contestants of each show, and vote for their favorite contestants.

Solution highlights

  • The application can be accessed from desktops, mobiles and tablets
  • It accepts Facebook/Google/Yahoo!/Live IDs for log in
  • Twitter API enables live social updates
  • The application demonstrates the product's project management features like backlog creation from PowerPoint, task board and forecasting
  • CloudShare solution allows authorized users independent control over the demo
  • Virtual hard drive packaging and cloud hosting allows robust remote access

Business impact

  • Effective sale support leading to increased sales of premium licenses
  • Swift sales force education achieved using the same demo content
  • High visibility at major global events and partner conferences
  • Greater customer engagement through live social media updates
  • Direct revenue generation support through integration with online retailer Amazon

Customer testimonial

‘Many thanks for your great sessions in Copenhagen and especially one that I am very keen to get my hands around is the demo you did under the topic 'Selling the business value of ALM to CIOs'.

Solution Sales Specialist.

Innovative demo for a flagship application lifecycle management product of a Fortune 500 software enterprise
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