Case Study

Increased market reach of an eDiscovery product for a litigation management pioneer


Development in collaboration and communication technologies has resulted in enormous amounts of information. As a result, Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) are facing a challenge to collect and analyze information from disparate sources. The need to ensure compliance to regulatory requirements and reduce time-to-market is becoming an arduous task.

Here’s how Mindtree partnered with a pioneer in litigation and retention management solutions to help develop a niche product suite in eDiscovery.

The challenge

The customer’s solutions are being used to administer and retrieve litigation data across 200,000 lawsuits in various countries. It manages over 100,000 retention schedules for users across 100 countries.

The existing litigation management solution involved collecting and managing data through ad-hoc processes and disparate software tools. The entire process was error prone, manual and time consuming.

They needed a partner to develop a legal-holds and retention management product suite, to automate litigation management processes.

Our solution

Automating complex litigation management was a novel concept and required an in-depth understanding of processes and the eDiscovery space.

Mindtree created a robust, scalable and configurable product architecture, that enabled additions to legal requests and easy integration with web and third party products. The full-fledged context search engine allowed extensive customization and localization to the global customer base.

The Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) functionality that we developed, enabled the customer to efficiently process bulk data and facilitate migration to their core application. We developed a comprehensive analytical reporting framework that helped the customer analyze data and generate reports.

Our approach

Mindtree created the product architecture delivering process automation and optimization. Connectors were developed to extract and aggregate data from disparate sources, which served as an input to an analytical reporting framework delivering actionable insights. The flexibility and scalability of architecture, use of open standards such as J2EE and LDAP, allowed seamless integration with disparate applications, email and web.

Business impact

  • Enabled market dominance through automation of complex litigation management process and unique insights
  • Increased the global reach of the product by localization
Increased market reach of an eDiscovery product for a litigation management pioneer
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