Case Study

Implemented DevSecOps for a leading American Food Manufacturing company to streamline their release management process


American Food Manufacturing Company


The client is a leading American multinational food-manufacturing company, making quality products for a healthier world. With their products manufactured and sold in over 150 countries, their annual income exceeds $1 Billion each year.


In spite of their successes, the client’s DevOps adoption had not reached full maturity. Moreover, they also had non-integrated development and testing tools. This scenario - combined with non-standard, non-streamlined release management - gravely affected their time-to-market, product quality, and cost of ownership.


At the beginning of the engagement, Mindtree implemented Greenfield end-to-end DevSecOps and pipeline integration with CAPE as an enterprise platform for automation & governance. The next step was to perform platform based standardization for CI/CD/CT/CM and toolchain integration and automation using CAPE.

After this, end-to-end DevSecOps using multiple security testing, performance testing, monitoring tools (including mWatch for URL monitoring) and vulnerability management was carried out. Moreover, there was real-time visibility of unified metrics from various tools, and a metrics driven governance was also set-up.


As a result of Mindtree’s CAPE offerings, the client saw the following benefits:

  • Streamlined release management process and achieved 25% reduction in potential cost of operations
  • Achieved 13-15% reduction in defect leakage into production driven by increase in build frequency
  • Improved code coverage by 17-19% by automating review process
Implemented DevSecOps for a leading American Food Manufacturing company to streamline their release management process
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