Case Study

How a leading pharma major trains its sales reps spread across 13 countries



Traditional methods to train sales reps were ineffective and costly


Shotclasses enabled gamified learning to train sales reps on various products in a more engaging way


Increased product sales for top classes completed on the platform

Executive Summary:

A leading global pharmaceutical firm’s geographically dispersed sales workforce needed on-field product information support that was difficult to access from the traditional LMS or assets such as PowerPoint presentations, emails and sales seminars. Mindtree’s Shotclasses, an end-to-end microlearning platform, helped the client quickly and seamlessly share relevant content (based on geography, verticals, etc.) with sales reps, ensuring superior sales conversion and reduced training costs.

The Challenge

The client’s sales representatives needed quick and updated information on various products while on the field that the existing LMS was ill-equipped to deliver. Moreover, traditional sales training methods such as sales seminars, PowerPoint presentations, and emails did little to engage the sales workforce, while long-form content frequently proved ineffective in terms of ensuring information retention. Additionally, the client lacked a mechanism to track training effectiveness and assimilation by its sales representatives in order to measure its impact.

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Our Solution

Mindtree helped the client identify existing microlearning content within their organization, such as marketing and product videos, that their regional L&D teams could share quickly and easily with relevant sales representatives. The content was delivered through Mindtree’s Shotclasses mobile app - based on their needs, geography, sales verticals, etc. This helped the client:

  • Disseminate on-demand content to sales representatives anytime, anywhere, and in four different languages.
  • Deliver bite-sized visual-rich training courses around a limited number of concepts to avoid information overload.
  • Incentivize learning through gamification and real world rewards.

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Mindtree’s Shotclasses solution helped the client deliver on-demand learning to its vast sales workforce, enabling several tangible benefits such as:

  • Improved access, uptake and retention of specific product knowledge, empowering the sales representatives to boost conversion, improve productivity, and utilize their time better.
  • Improved training adoption and engagement through incentives, gamified techniques, and multi-lingual content delivery.
  • Significantly reduced training costs and other operational overheads such as procurement/travel costs, as the sales representatives were not required to travel to regional offices to procure training materials.

About the Client

One of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies that markets and sells over 300,000 products through its robust network of more than 10,000 distributor reps and 4,000 sales reps.

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