Case Study

How a leading CPG major used Shotclasses to create an innovative learning experience for chefs around the globe



Experienced restaurant chefs wanted to build their repertoire of skills but lacked access to training


Shotclasses helped these chefs discover new cuisines and culinary techniques from award winning chefs through bite-sized videos


Increased brand loyalty towards the client’s products among the chef community

The Challenge

The client found it challenging to train a vast base of potential customers comprising over 2 million chefs spread across 40 countries. Besides customizing the training content in chefs’ preferable languages, the need was to deliver training on-demand, anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Failure to do so was leading to low engagement level of partner chefs with the client’s brand, negatively impacting the client’s bottom-line.

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Our Solution

Mindtree’s Shotclasses – an end-to-end microlearning offering – enabled the client to share bite-sized videos by top culinary artists to inspire chefs to generate new ideas and techniques, and experiment with different flavors around the world. The highlights of the solution included:

  • Social Connection among peers for advice, bonding, shared experience of life in the kitchen
  • All the courses were delivered in the chefs’ native languages
  • Gamified approach kept the chefs engaged and motivated with the training as they received rewards and certificates on achieving pre-set milestones
  • The client could also offer paid courses on cooking and gastronomy to help chefs upgrade their skills with the latest techniques and best practices

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Mindtree’s Shotclasses solution helped the client deliver rich content to upskill and engage its vast geographically spread partner chefs’ network. The client realized the multi-faceted benefits of leveraging microlearning, such as:

  • Increased chef engagement and loyalty with the client’s brand.
  • Increased adoption of the client’s products among the chef community.
  • Increased revenue for the client from all paid courses completed by the chefs
  • Ability to engage new chefs within the partner network, afforded by easy scalability of the Shotclasses platform.

About the Client

The food division of one of the world’s largest CPG brands. This division manufactures products (ingredients) that are used by more than two million chefs across 40 countries.

How a leading CPG major used Shotclasses to create an innovative learning experience for chefs around the globe
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